Finding my Direction
Here is an update on what's been happenning in my life thus far...Now that I am fast recovering from that awful virus I had, I had an appointment to attended a lung and chest clinic last week where I was diagnosed as having stage 2 COPD, This has had an effect on me more than I thought it would in so much as re-evaluating my transition.
At the moment my head is just so full of doubt and thoughts about whether it is worth transitioning in the light of this information.
I am at this time no nearer any conclusion as to my next step, I don't want to fit in anyone's mold's of what they think a person should be. I am who I am, and I'm not sure what that is, but at the moment I am content in my confusion.
I am currently working on a plan to live my life as female full time, How long this will take is anyone's guess but being transgender is much harder than I had anticipated. I am currently stuck in a state of limbo in my transition, but I have made some serious decisions about what I want and need.
I know now that I do want to be female full time but I am quite unsure of what direction I am headed.
All of this coupled with stress of being restricted in my current personal situation and the financial worries has backed me into a corner. Is there a way out of this corner??, Is there light at the end of the tunnel?? (We will see)
Well I hope all this makes some sort of sense, I am sure I will get to go in the right direction eventually with all the support I have been receiving from my brother and other members of my family and of course my friends.
Take care my friends, love you all
Sophie x
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