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Beth's GRS

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70+sleeps to GRS

I should be working but can’t seem to focus, my mind is elsewhere. There’s some 70 + sleeps left till’ my GRS. I can think of nothing else this morning. I wonder to myself; Will my new vagina look nice?(lil' vain I know), I’ve seen many turn out very natural looking n’ pretty while others not so much … will mine work properly n’ orgasms be achievable?, I’ve read several accounts were much of the sensation was lost by 6months post-op (that’s a bit scary) … I am happily married to a woman so is depth even important to me?, I think I’d at least like to be average compared to other transwomen.

I hope surgery goes well, as with any surgery there’s always a possibility of complications. My Doctor has an astounding reputation so I pray it’s a good day for him. My surgery is on a Tuesday so that’s good (no one wants a ride built on a Friday, lol, sorry, I sometimes make jokes when I’m nervous ).

I knew as a lil’ child that one day I’d grow up to be a woman, as an adolescent I came to believe it to be impossible. I read about "Caroline Cossey - bond girl" in my 20s and discovered that there were others like me. Thanks to the internet I found there were many girls like me ... now I can’t believe my surgery’s so close. It’s not that I think surgery will be the determining factor that officially makes me a woman, I’m a woman now, I just don’t want a penis.


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Caroline Cossey "Tula" was an inspiration to me also. Best of luck. Please let us know how everything goes for you. :)



Quote:"Will my new vagina look nice?" Beth of course your vagina will be beautiful ans you should not think otherwise. The important thing your crossing the bridge now and when you wake up all of this and what you were is all gone, sure you'll remember the good & bad but instead focus on your relationship and nurture each others love forever. Oh and congrats Beth you have reached your own bridge a bridge many won't ever get to reach so remember us and our struggles as you become complete, ok?

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Thanks Shelly, It's been over two years since I wrote that post and am very pleased to say my worries are long gone and I couldn't be happier.

I shall never forget my friends here at TGG, I continue to check in and add when/where I feel I can. :)

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