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Beth's GRS

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a kind of Domino effect

Well my pre-surgery consult is tomorrow, I'm excited. Also, it's kinda cool I found out that my legal name change went through, I was tired waiting and called to check on the status today. The very nice lady told me that my certificate was mailed to me last week and should arrive any day now. So now I can get my name changed on my Driver’s license, my endocrinologist has already written my letter for the gender marker to be changed on my D.L. at the same time. It’s close enough to my surgery that I can wait to change my name on my Health Card and Birth Certificate so that with my legal name change certificate and my (post-op) letter to confirm GRS, I can get the gender markers changed on those too.

These things have all been up in the air. I started on my name change 6months ago when I started having trouble with my I.D. During a routine stop, the cop suggested that I update my license photo, it had been 2yrs before even therapy that it had been updated, lol, I looked quite different indeed. Back to the point, I decided it was time to change my name legally. So it’s like a feeling of many thing coming to a close … finally. Kinda like Domino effect, one piece causes many to move.

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You must feel like you are coming up to the end of a marathon, the line is ahead and now all your preparations and hard work are paying off.

Smiling here for you


Caroline x x

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