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A week of Down falls

Okay this week has been one of the mentally most stressful in my transition in the last 4 years since I came out about being Trans. It started with going through boxes of my past that I stored at my fathers. Finding allot of both junk and even some of my early discovers into the TG world. I believe in going through this and other parts of my past I have been building up my being haunted by nightmares. Add to this week a guy at work acting up and using me to blame. Getting discriminated as I shop for a new skirt by a store employee. Continuing a break-threw in Therapy on how my relationship between myself and my mother has not progressed in a way she claims it has brought us closer after the last year of family therapy. Knowing that a new rift is possibly on the way I need to find a way to calm it by our next session. And my whole issue concluded with me getting a ticket at 2 am for not stopping long enough at a deserted 4 way stop. While getting the ticket my companions in the car and myself could hear the cops snickering at me sitting in my car in full dress and having to turn in my Drivers Licence with the old me. The week sucked but it could have gotten worse and I will push through with as much dignity and pride I came into it with.


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Im Very sorry to hear that i cant offer much advice since im much younger then you but couldn't you legally change your name and request a new a photo.I haven't done it but i have a friend who is next week.



working on it this summer actually it costs about 200+ cash to pay for all the legal stuff to be changed.

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