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Transgender Message Forum

Del's Blog

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A Little About Me

To start I am Del.

I am cisgender.

I live in Illinois in the county between two small towns. I

I am a licensed and ordained evangelist with three organizations. One is Non-Denominational and two are Pentecostal. This allows me to interact in a large community of churches.

I have studied the word of God since the age of seven.

Nursing home services are always a joy. You just never know if they get a chance to hear the word of God at other times so I try to treat each service like it is my last and give them my best.

My wife of 34 years assists me with Chapel Services in a chapel we have built in our home. She has stayed by my side in the good times and bad and currently plays the bass in my services.

We hold church services every Friday night at a small church in the country. The flock is small but we enjoy it.

I originally decided to check out transgender people when I worked with one at Walmart.

My goal was to find out how to treat them as far as he or she or in accordance with their situation whether pre-op, post-op or non-op.

I learned quite a bit at Susan's in this regard and when I heard of this place figured I would join. I still hope to learn more as I never know who may show up at a service.

My goal with this blog is to post whatever the Lord lays on my heart that may increase a person's faith if it is what they turn to as a way of coping and not committing suicide. For some faith in Christ might be the main thing they turn to in their darkest hour.

I hope that the folks here don't think I'm out to convert them or get them healed or anything else. My goal is to share a word on a blog that others can turn to in their hour of need.

If you do not care for scripture or religious stuff you may not like my blog. But, being a minister that's what I do. Hopefully someone will have their faith increased with my endeavors.

That's it for the intro. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

May God bless,



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