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Today a positive message

I 've learned somethings in the past years that I like to share; it is this, it's not how a person looks on the outside; but how they project the inside look out- ward.

What I mean by this, is your heart condition; love must come through. It doesn't matter if you are drop dead gorgeous, if the inside is rotten.

Now that I am 51 years old, and not drop dead gorgeous; people are accepting because I'm projecting love. This is no matter how they treat me, or what they call me.

I finally see that if you treat someone with respect, kindness, and love you will get it back ten fold.

Yes I know, the cliché "never judge a book by its cover," however we all do that, and yes I agreed that are appearance is important; what I'm getting after is even more benifical; the heart condition.

Please understand, I'm not trying to hurt anyone; I'm trying to help by sharing some of the steps I have taken in my journey of transition.

This post is meant to inspire not tear down, give hope, and courage. But above all it is to tell my story.

These are my steps and if they can help someone who might be struggling;

that's what I wish to do! :D

Furthermore, the helping other is another step, and so is showing mercy to yourself, and others.

OMG I just gave out four steps!! Now you and I can progress down the transition highway together.

LOL ;) And if you wish (whoever you are) we don't have to travle the highway alone. :rolleyes:

You help me, and I help you. B)

PS... Ms. Lori, I'm soooooo greatful to you for the nice comments you have said, thanks very much and keep spreading the love; just like peanut butter!! LOL :P

OhOhOh, wait I forgot, how to show mercy to yourself; what I did is I went to the mirror and told myself, "it's ok to fail; I still love you!!!" Then I gave myself a big hug. :D

I no sounds silly, but it worked for me! :) Peace Out all >^.^<


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