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Not everyone goes at the same pace??

Well today, I had to look up what is a bolg used for. I did not want to be a BLOG HOG LOL :P

I guess I'm using thing right? LOL

Now on to the point; the other day I was chatting with my little sister (she is MtF also.)

She was not happy for she felt, I was further along the transition high-way than her.

This made her feel sad :(

As we were talking a thought popped in my head? This is not a race enjoy the trip down the path toward your goal.

So I told her what my thought was, and tryed to show her how much progress she has made.

Then this illustration came to me and I thought I post it in my blog and share....oink,oink LOL :rolleyes:

(Look up at the top of the post to get the joke.)

It's like this if you travel on a high way, not all the cars go at the same speed, right?

some are faster, some slower hopefully all reach their destination safe and sound.

The same is true for transpeople (hope this term is ok) ;) this is each person walk and no one can do it for you.

we can give support, encouragement, and cheer you a long. However, the pace, you travel is yours not someone eles. Please enjoy the trip that's part of the fun (I think) yes, it can get frustrating at times! But It is yours and nobody can take that away from you. Ok then I just want to blog this hope it may help someone?? Like me .........Speed demon here lol :D


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