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I was reading a blog on google+ today and it was about george michaels to how i was a big fan and had a very big crush on. any ways he's in the hospital with severe pneumonia were as a group of christians were praying for his passing on while he was in recovery. i thought to myself what has this world come to they wanted him to die because his belief was differnt than theirs no i sent him a message on the internet "please get better michael we need your music in this world " as a christian i think we need to pray for a persons health and well being not their demise that aint no way for a christian to act and i wanted to let each and all know this.


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Yes I agree with you !

You think That a self proclamed Christian would act more like Jesus Christ ....I know That he would pray for Mr.Michael's recovery not his death......This kind of stuff makes me feel very sad!!! thanx Ms. Dainna for sharing the artical. Peace Out >^.^<



As a Christian I feel that when a person is ill we should pray for their quick recovery.

If the person is known to be a non believer we should also pray that the Lord will open their heart unto him.

I do not think Christians should pray a person dies.

If anything they should be helping them get ready to cross over Jordan if they can get close enough to talk to them.

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