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Bad Day!!!



Today started out not so good; first thing in the morning I got frustrated with myself! I couldnot find a dam thing GRRRRRR :angry: than thing got worse from that point! I went for my walk and almost fell flat on face,thank goodness I didnot,but I did through my back out!!!

However bad the pain was I kept walking, and get more angery untill I thought about how am I going to handle this junk. I know this is going to read strange, but I let my femininity take my thought process over ....when I finally did this; something I thought I couldnot do happend I ....give up the fight, and let the frustration go.

It was odd, I just started to calm down.

Then half way around the park I started to feel better, and begain to enjoy me walk B) My goodness in fact the day turned out pretty good! Got a lot of things done and found what it was I was looking for too.

This showed me that if I continue to stay clam as posable, my day may turn around 180 degrees.

Before, I would have been upset all day long and never got a thing done execpt being more pist!

I enjoy my jounery toward woman hood is getting fun! :D

Please understand this is what worked for me, maybe it could work for you, and maybe not everyone different in the matter of mood changes.


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Good for you! Glad to hear you turned things around. (((hugs)))



Yes, Ms. Lori

I believe self discovery is very important to one's emotional growth!!

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