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Blessing Or Curse?

I read a article, Ms. Beth had posted in the forum. The story was about a transwoman, who looked at her change as a blessing. After, meditating on this thought I too look at it as a blessing because, it makes us unique ie different; we standout from the crowd.

I always knew I was speical some how, but I just did not quite know how to express it; till I read that woman's story.

She helped me to see we are all special! How we need to support each other, love each other, and be there for each other.

This is regardless how I may personaly feel, about the other person actions, and convictions. The story taught me we must stay united!

You know, that back in the early 70's the African American people adopted the term brother and sister for each other. Why? you wonder, to keep them united, and because they all had a common goal to end inequality, and injustices done against them as a whole.

We too need to put a end to the injustices, and end inequality; we need to be taken seriously.

So I going to take a page for the African American play book, I'm going to look at all LGBT/Crossdressers/Gender Neutral people as my brothers, and my sisters.

Even if we do not agree on every issue; you will be my Sister, or Brother; even if you don't like me; you will be my Brother, or Sister. I understand that, WE MUST STAY UNITED to keep on the path to victory! No matter what! We have that goal in common; VICTORY!!! I know the only way to defeat us is to break us a part....We must not squabble over miner issues. Furthermore, we need to keep our eyes on the prize! That means even if you disgree with my opinion it does not matter, what does matter is we stay united! All of us.

Well thats my New Years resolution; I intend to keep this one....LOL


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