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Cleaning Out the Closet

Well what do I mean by the term, "cleaning out the closet" I mean the, "mental closet." This step is the most important one, that I found in my research, of how to transition from male to female.

I remembered a lesson, I was tought by a student of Bruce Lee's; who I was being trained by. He tought me to try to achieve the "oneness" this is where a person lines themself up, Physicaly,mentaly, and spiritual.This is very important, when learning any of the marshal arts.

So I trying to get in balance again. Transtion is what you, the individual makes of it; and I'm learning just what to make of it, that's why I'm cleaning out my closet.

I'm not afraid of failure, it's just one step closer to success! This is my feelings on the matter.

I found that I am kinda stuck at a androgynous stage, but thats ok for now.

I'm making a little progress though; I found that if I wear a bra not a sports bra; I have breast.

So when I go anywhere I wear my bra, I have gotten used to my girls. However, this makes my chest stand out more, and therefore attract more attension to myself. This is something I don't want to do.

It does make a little more passable though.

Thats where I was going with this; accepting myself for who I am..this is part of the cleaning process I figure.

I'm not trying to fool anyone just trying to, live my life the way I want to present myself, and be happy doing it.

I know I'm a full-time woman now, and the closet is less cluttered, as well.The other part of the cleaning is to work is on my heart condition, which I do by helping other people.

I don't know if I've touch someone or not, but I'll keep trying for I know this is the meaning to life.

To be more self-sacificing this will help me to express my love better, and I just want to do that.

So I have more cleaning to do, however I'm getting more confortable each, and every time I go out that front door.Building one's selfesteem is something every girl / woman learns form their mothers; I for my part will learn this to; even though my mother is dead now.

Peace Out for now!!... PS... Please, enjoy your life...for it is far to short.

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yes on both a transfem like me learns she can't use the ladies room do to law and body parts how ever the mind is fem.

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