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Rule's Rule's Rule's

rules of the trangendered is not the same as the rule's of the rest for instincts if a transfem dresses fem he still has to use the mens restroom because he has both a male lisence and male orgains but why cant there be a unisex restroom every where for our kind there's a handycap restroom every where. If we get pulled over we have to give a given name rather than a name given to our sexuallity, I also know there are those who would take an unlawful advantage if it were so but if a diagnoses were given it should be aloud regardles of the actual sex tell me you're thoughts on the subject.

a. sex should be law.

b. sex should adjust by sexuallity.

c. who cares?

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Well Ms.Dainna,

a)Most laws are put in to place to keep the populous safe,However this thing of which you speak of is ment to decimate,humiliate,and lower self esteem. that's my feeling on the matter. Yes you are right about rules...they stink!

B) I really don't understand this question...a little help....define what you mean please Ms.Dainna ....I'm not to sure do you mean the

sex you are born as, or the sex feel you should be?? I'm just not clear on the matter, sorry.

c) I think we both do....

thank you sug :)

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