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I Found My Happy

Well I just returned from the support group, and I can't believe it their just like me. I donot feel out of place there; just like I dont feel that way here at TGGuide.

OMG!! Some of those women are so pretty, and than others are just like me..homely lol I mean average. ops-y

They were talking I just kept my big trap shut.....and then one of the girls said," hay you have not said anything. Why?" I kinda pushed my hair in front of my face, and hung my head. I could not control myself....I started to cry....Another young lady took me a side, and said, "sweetie let it all out!" I didnot want to run my mascara. But I fix it kinda; they kept ask'n, "why wont you talk?" It is due to my voice I just started working on it 2 days ago. However they persisted, and I started to share.I told them this was my first time out during the day light hours; with makeup as well. They just held my hand and call me Tristina, and saying things like she, her; they just made me feel right at home, I can't believe it.

Even when I had to go to the restroom they told to use the lady's room, but I told them I can't yet I don't have a note from the doctor. "Just go" they replied, I didnot want to break the law so I went to the men's restroom, and found two gentlemen in there. They didnot even bat a eye toward me; just said, " hello"

and then told me the last stall was opened. One time this happend at a store I was shopping at, the guys in the rest room went nuts when I walk in!! I just thought ....Wow what a difference between people who show love, and are not afraid to express it,or those who just say it and can't even express it. I think I'm going to be OK there I really do! O, Yes the neats thing, happend at end of the session the one lady who took me aside

Gave me a big hug and told to stop being sorry for everything...What a sweet gesture, I thought.

Well I go back again on Saturday, but now I know whats there; maybe friends that make you feel good about myself....The point of this blog is if you are thinking about going to a trans support group check them out first and go I think you may be very happy if you do. The first part of this blog which was done last night I should have called it "diary of a mad transwoman." I really worked myself up over all this; Which turned out to be nothing...Silly Plague!! I thank God, and all you my friends here at TGGuide I could not have done it with your support either thank you all!!

Peace out!! >^.^<


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I'm very happy for you. It feels good to surround yourself with kind, caring people who understand. It's so nice that they noticed you were withdrawn and they pulled you out of your shell. You sound like a new woman and check this out... you even referred to yourself as Tristina! :)

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Yes I did...No more hidding for this Woman!!! I love my name, Tristina

But I love Plague too ...and Tina..and ..Ms.Lori I really will never forget

you all, NEVER!!!! Nor the help / support I have received here at TGGuide ...I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! REALLY!!!!!



i'm happy for you really big step a good step love dainna

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