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sex life was a lie

im 45 born in 1966. from 1985 to 2009 my sex life was a lie....I had many female partners but the only way I could orgasm during intercourse was to pretend my penis was my vagina rubbing up against theirs. I stopped trying to get female sex partners the past couple years under those false pretenses and for that im happy but I also barely to never haven sex anymore. I love sex with women tho for other reasons related to being trans I guess and I also fantasize about having sex with straight men as a woman.


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I guess I feel the same way, my penis feels like my vagina at times during intercourse and I do fantasize about having sex with a man, you are not alone in this. I fantasize about sucking a guy off at times too, and that kinda scares me because I've never had feelings like that before my transition, I guess my mind and my body are changing together tho I am not doing the hormone thing yet, I have Triangular Foam Breast Inserts and I wear skirts and make up and boots, and go out of the house this way because I am full time transgender/crossdresser, I feel alot like you do.



hi ... I don't know how to access friend requests on my mobile but I see that u sent me one...Thx I would love to be friends ...are u on twitter could follow u easier there,



...I do fantasize about having sex with a man, you are not alone in this. I fantasize about sucking a guy off at times too, and that kinda scares me because I've never had feelings like that before my transition, I guess my mind and my body are changing together tho I am not doing the hormone thing yet,...

I think it is important to remember that sexual orientation and gender identity are often two different things. So if you are attracted to women, say, before transition, you will be attracted to them after transition. It may be that you feel more free to experience attractions to men now that it may be 'safe' to do so as a woman.

Whatever the case, enjoy it for what it is; it is wonderful!

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hi Myra... thanks for commenting on Alicia's response to my blog ...it makes me happy that we are all engaging in informative talk

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