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I showed a lady at work pics of me as Karen and she was very supportive ....it depresses me so much to walk through Target as a male and want to comfortably shop for female clothes but don't bc im too scared to be seen by someone I know or judged by others I don't. sometimes I feel like crying right there in the store...anybody else go thru this. hope everybody is doing good..


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I go through the same thing everytime at Wal-mart, maybe without the whole feeling like crying (not to say thats bad or anything). But the funny thing is, majority of the time that I am looking through the female clothes, nobody seems to care. Most of the people that look at you probably think your looking for your wife/GF. I've bought panties at walmart and nobody looked at me weird or said anything, and it's not like I was in and out of there. I went stood there making sure of the ones I wanted and then did some more shopping. At least where I live it seems like anybody could care less.

Good luck to you, and congrats on showing pics of yourself. It might help reduce the shock value when they see you in person.

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