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Just ranting I guess.

So like, It's april 16th (yes?).

A lot of things have advanced in the last like... month.

I actually got a promd ate (This complete cutie pie, her name's abby. I guess i give details later).

I don't really have any other advancements other then that actually.

I decided i go ona quest for a name.

I t hought the other night about the name Tye, Which I really like.

but so far ive gottenit sounds like a dogs name and my friend mike doesnt like it because he got into a fight witha guy named tye like a month ago.

I'm still under serious consideration.

LGBT prom is ina month! im so psyched. Im probably gonna ask mike if he wants to help me go shopping for it. So is the spring fling for work. (yes. my job has dances. Ahh the perks of working at six flags. )

I don't know i was just writing like useless nonsense on here. Just sayin.


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