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The Strangled Sleep

Can gender dysphoria cause sleep problems?

I should be asleep right now, but I'm up way earlier than I'm supposed to be and it isn't the first time.

I'm used to a certain amount of insomnia after working 3rd shift for over a decade. That changed two weeks ago, and after a brief period of instability I've been living on a normal sleep schedule for the past week or so. It's been great for me and for my family. Well, at least the waking part. At night, I feel like I spend a considerable amount of time in bed either dreaming vivid dreams or tossing and turning. I think the transgender confusion is causing it. Feels like it based on some of the dreams and odd thoughts that race through my head during the tossing & turning phase.

Like I said, life has been pretty good over the past week. My marriage is on much more solid ground than it has been in a while. But the TG cloud still poses a threat. I went over some of those issues in a previous blog (). My wife and I both worry one of us will eventually leave the other over this whole situation. She predicted we'll just end up at an impasse and split from there. Hopefully not. Hopefully we can make compromises to both sides' satisfaction. For now, I guess I'll enjoy the days and endure the fitful nights until a resolution can be found.


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I recall having sleep problems as I wrestled with all the gender issues back in transition. I still have sleep problems but for different reasons these days. I find that if I take a Melatonin (a natural compound found in the market's vitamin section) that I am usually able to fall asleep and stay asleep.

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I had some sleep issues (nightmares in my case) as well my therapist suggested I keep a dream journal, I always have had vivid dreams so I don't know what causes them the best I can suggest is work out in some free time and it will exhaust your body to sleep better.

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Thanks for the suggestions! I have actually been jotting down moments that stick out in my dreams, Brittany. I keep thinking maybe they're telling me something. My wife and I have been starting our mornings with a workout. I guess I could do more. Lori, I'm not a big vitamin taker, but if it gets really bad I'll definitely look into Melatonin

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