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So, I'm driving in the middle of nowhere Montana the other night. It was dark as the clouds were thick and the overcast was low. It was 3am and all of the sudden I see these brights lights; they are so bright I can't see anything at all! Then, my truck dies! I check my phone to se if I can call for help, but it too is dead to the world, right long with my watch. Everything is dead! The next thing I know I am floatiing outside of my truck and drifting onto this huge ship which is just quietly hovering in the sky. I am unable to move; its like i am paralyzed. After being probed and experimented upon, I began to figure it all out.

Come to discover, they WERE ALIENS! The ILLEGAL kind; they were driving a green 1772 Chevy van with mag wheels, fuzzy dice in the mirror, and shag carpet on the roof!!! ROFLMAO!!!


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