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My sister

I was at my sisters house recently for a few days and she said something to me that kind of made me laugh. My sister is a hardcore lesbian and is often called a dike because she's very boyish. She believes that dike is a bad word. But anyway, someone asked her because she's a lesbian if she wanted to be a boy. She said that the term for that is transgender not lesbian. The person then asked her what the difference was. She said "I'm a lesbian and I like my vagina, I don't want a penis. My little 'sister' on the other hand is a gay boy in a girls body. She wants a penis. That's the difference."

When my sister told me this, I initially laughed. A little while later I looked at her and said "you use me to explain the difference?" She then told me she only uses me because I'm the only person like me that she knows. I was honestly okay with it.

Overall, I love my sister very much. She's known since I was little about my gender issues and supports me probably the most out of everyone. I know if my sister had the money, she'd help me along with my journey, but there isn't really much she can do. Her just supporting me and being there for me is amazing.


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Well you are lucky to have such a supportive Sister !! Support that money cant buy. Life is amazing and leads us with its adventures and i m sure you will get to its end with all that you want from your heart..i wish for you that. It contrasts between us that i m one with now small breasts n cock who is bisexual and who is not yet decided on about an SRS. I still pass well both ways. Like you Sister says transexual we are. :) and enjoyin it the way we do :) !! was happy to read your write up today .

with love and kisses,




It is a little known fact most people seem to believe this. They tend to place everyone in the same boat, so to speak. Transsexuals, gays/ lesbians, intersexed, transvestites, female/ male impersonators, and drag kings/ queens all have a very different pathopsychology. There is also a wide range of differing psychiatry involved with these many different people. It was good she was kind enough to explain this and you were kind enough to be used as an example.

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