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Finally, I have been able to take the first huge step. No matter how easy or difficult a certain task is, taking the first step is the most difficult part. Somehow, I always find it difficult to begin the plan I have made. In the past, I have had wonderful plance, but the first action to realise the plan has been very challenging. Just like the first step of participating actively here at Transgender Guide.

I have encountered the TRANSGENDER GUIDE already for almost two years. As I checked the site, I was already impressed with its objective and vision. I thought, finally, somebody had the initiative to build a (virtual) community where our image is portrayed to be totally different than stereotypes in society today. This is very few of the sites today that ladyboys are not portrayed in a sexual way.

Today, I have taken few steps to participate actively in this community. It took me almost two years. Every time i see the twits of TTG, i thought, ahh.. tomorrow I will improve my profile and contents there. It took me two years of delaying.

Today, no excuse. Here is my first blog entry. You will also find that I have posted my first Photo Album. I have updated my profile. I hope, soon enough, that I will have new friends, new comments, and most of all, I am hoping that through this platform, I will find belongingness. I pray that I might find a place where I will not feel, I am different.

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People by default stereotype , the sad part is that the TG community is also guilty of this and sadly Ladyboys are stereotyped as whores which isn`t true in a lot of cases.. I`d love to be a Ladyboy, I`m into Genetic Females so want to keep my bits as they are but I`m more female than male even in build and skin etc (for a Westerner so disadvantaged to start with and I`m too old now anyway, spent my prime years denying it )

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