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This one is for Ciara.... A girl who is in my...club.

Our first eating of GSA, I had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves. Your name, Major, Preferred Gender Pronoun and why they came to GSA.

So I would say

"Hey, My name’s Tyler, I’m your president.

My Major is Education.

My Preferred Gender Pronoun is He, His, and Him

and I came to GSA originally, because i needed to get to know people like me, but now I’m here to lead and teach you and the community around us.”

Apparently in the last… oh let me say 30 meetings she totally forgot that i was trans and when i came in and shared that i was so happy i got a new binder, she questioned…

"Why are you excited about a book?"

"it’s not a book…. It’s a tank top… thing that makes my chest look more flat."

"but why would you want that?" She asks….

I told her, “It makes me more confident when I look in the mirror and think I see a boy, with no chest, baggy shirts, and no swag. It makes me happy”

"Can’t you just get a breast reduction?" she asks, confused.

"I mean… a reduction totally. But I Don’t just want them reduced. I…. just want them not there, at all. When i look in the mirror before I have to take a shower, Inearly cry. So I started covering my bathroom mirror with a towel just so I don’t have to look.”

"But why?"

"……Everytime I think of myself in the future, I think of a man. Married to a woman with a beautiful personality….."

She cuts me off “but you are beautiful…. Why do you need to change yourself?”

Who do you think I am in this equation?”

"The woman?"

I gave her a look. I had just gone over this a week before. I’m not doing transgender 101 again this semester.


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