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Work asked me to...

I am still on sick leave but went into work yesterday to try out my new username for signing into the local network. Talked to my boss, told him that I most likely would not be back next week as Marci's office has not given me a letter to return to work yet. He was fine with that.

He then said, could you please write something up for your business partners whom do not know about your transition. I told him that I already did this. He then asked if I would write something up for our IT division, I replied, no problem if you would send the message out which he agreed too and did before leaving, asked him to review it, he said it would work. I did include a paragraph on the topic of me using the female restrooms in that I symphonize with those who might have issues or concerns and that I did get approval from human resources to use any restroom I felt comfortable with. I could actually still use the male restrooms but not going there and sticking to female restrooms only

While there I talked to a few people that knew of my transition but had not talked with them yet and they treated me no different than before transitioning.

One thing I am having troubles with is that some call me ma'am which to me feels old so my thing will be to ask them to simply call me Karen.

There is one employee whom I have been working with for 20 years and saw him yesterday talking to other people, waved at him but he did not wave back and I thought he was not okay with my transition but about ten minutes later he came over, shook my hand and said "Hi Karen", when you have time I want to talk to you about a guitar I am buying and said yes.

I spent about one hour talking with my team members (three of them) about things being worked on and that they ran into an interesting problem that they could not find a solution for then remembered I gave a code sample two months ago, from the code example they easily figured out how to remedy the issue at hand which made me feel good.

Joked around a bit also which showed me they really have no problems with my transition.

Looking forward to when I can get back to work.


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That's wonderful!

It took a little while for my co workers to adjust to my new name when I finally came out. For others it was no problem. The man who I have worked for directly for the past 4 years as his assistant is heavily Christian and though he took a while to come around for a long time he still called me by my last name, Sharkey, which was fine because that has been a lifelong nickname. Just a few months ago he started calling me Sharkette, which has totally stuck on set and I couldn't be happier about!

I was really apprehensive about using the ladies room originally. I used to sneak around set to a hidden bathroom with no gender designation. When I finally did get up the guts to go I found it to be a sanctuary. The women there had no problem with me and usually would give us a chance to chat - even if for a second - away from the busy set. I always, always hated using the mens room.

It's nice to hear they're joking around as well. My co workers do that too. In a way it kind of makes me feel special - and if there's anything I've learned about men since I've stopped trying to be one is that joking around is the best way they have to bond.

I'm happy for you! It seems like going back is going to be smooth :)

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Thanks for sharing MikahTheShark, as with you I have devote Christians in my workplace and several friends too. Two of them, friends outside of work said it took a bit to come to terms with me transitioning but did come around. I really appreciated them telling me that just did not accept me but thought about it.

In regards to restrooms, my workplace does not have any gender neutral restrooms. Never did care to use them before GRS and happy to be away from them.

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