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Blog Comments posted by TiffanyS

  1. Sophie

    Im sorry you've been confused on soo many different things when it comes to transitioning. I think we've all been there at one point or another. One thing I took solice in, and a really important thing my therapist told me, is transitioning is a lengthy process. A lot of us see other trans people able to quickly go from step to step to step and it seems like they are fully transitioned and living in stelth in the matter of like 2 years (which is the minimum for most places and surguries i've seen). We each need to go our own pace so we can all be financially stable to transition and feel comfortable in our lives. I've talked to a few girls who always said that when they reach such and such stage in their transition they will feel better about themselves, but they don't cuz they didn't take their time to feel comfortable with the changes in their lives and telling their families and letting things have a chance to settle in.

    There is a way out of your "corner", it just takes time to find it. I think if you plan out your transition and write it down so you can look at it and feel comfortable with it and not feel like its too fast or slow.

    Cheer up girl



  2. Emma, at first when i was on hrt i wasn't noticing any of the changes or having any major outbreaks of acne. I still haven't had any acne problems, then again when i went through my first puberty i didn't have any problems with acne. So maybe im just lucky that way. The chest pains will slowly subdue and youll notice your breasts starting to grow, I don't know if you just get used to the dull pain (unless you bump them then youll notice some pain lol).

    My moods didn't start to get a little more rollercoastery until i was about 4 months on hormones. Its great to feel and experience things differently but at the same time its hard snapping at the wrong people or just being emotional for no reason.

    How long have you been on hormones? Are you on injectable or oral form? Let me know how you are doing k :)

  3. Be patient with yourself Tiffany, the most important thing I have learned about my own gender condition is that no matter how you look on the outside you must deal with what is also on the inside. As you take little steps to become more of the person that you really feel you are, try to enjoy the journey a little, because there are little things to celebrate along the way. As you feel better about yourself try to see what it is that makes you feel so special on any one day. Ultimately some of us will never be able to look as we may picture ourselves in our vision. But it is always good to have a goal and shoot high, hoping to fall somewhere in between. Always remember for every person that may not agree with us or make our life difficult there are others like myself who really understand and our here to offer you support through this time and beyond.


    Thanks amie that really ment a lot to me :)

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