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Status Updates posted by KarenPayne

  1. Note to self, stop watching tear-jerker movies

  2. Went though some older photos and really like this current one when I realized I will be female

  3. My Liberator came in the mail today, makes dilation much easier

  4. I don't want to dilate this morning but forcing myself now :-(

  5. Feeling crappy all day, some kind of alergy.

  6. Feeling very emotional over thinking about my sister not here any more

  7. Another wonderful day to enjoy and happy April Fools day

  8. Looking forward to a wonderful day

  9. Going to my firearm club today to change my membership from Kevin to Karen

  10. Picked up my prescriptions last night for surgery next Wednesday. Need to start working on preparing as with the meds they are giving me I can not drive for several days and the friend who is staying with me does not drive. The doctor wants me to wash the breast for the next week which helps ensure against infection so I start that today. Happy Tuesday :)

  11. Surgery center called today asking the usual questions prior to surgery. The last question was something like, are you ready, are you nervous? I said in a polite tone, after having gone through Gender Reassignment Surgery this will be a piece of cake.

    At this point the only thing left before next Wednesdays breast augmentation is one check-up on Monday at the hospital which as luck would be, it's five or so blocks form work. 

  12. This morning I have to visit the hospital for a few pre-surgery test for breast augmentation then this afternoon get my nails done. 

    This morning I started wondering if any of my tops will not fit after surgery which means if some don't well that means "shopping time woohoo".

  13. Breast augmentation, one day to go woohoo.

  14. Just love my new breast, hurt a fair amount but love them just the same.

  15. Now with breast it is a totally different experience shaving my armpits but just happy I could raise my arms as I could not yesterday. 

  16. Forty minutes and counting until my favorite coffee shop opens which I go to everyday and have not been there since Tuesday.

  17. Hopefully today people use this day to remember those who have served and gave so very much for our freedoms. I know many and in awe of these people who are truly inspiring but will never, ever remind you what they have done for us, they did what needed to be done many not knowing the outcome, risk their lives and family and friends more times than not paid heavily for what they have done. So when you are enjoying the day please take a moment of your time to honor those men and woman with respect that they deserve.

  18. Going back to work for the first time since surgery. At first was worried because I was not sleeping enough but last night I ended up sleeping almost eight hours. 

  19. Arrived at work this morning and felt odd, dizzy and just off. So I tried to grin and bear this and after about one hour was perfectly fine. Two hours later off to an eight hour mandatory class that all employees have to take. Not soon after the class began I started to feel strange again and then it happened, someone said something funny and for whatever reason I lost control over something that was not very funny but could not stop laughing. It got so bad that I had tears streaming down my face. It must had been from my medication yet have been taken the medication since last Wednesday so for the life of me can't figure out why something not that funny got me going. The good thing was I was surrounded my employees I work with everyday, they laughed a bit and that was that. 

  20. Last night my pain seems to be very diminished, almost non-existent. Even with that I am still taking things easy. One caveat, since I can't wear a bra my nipples show and very hard to conceal as they are semi erect most of the time and expect that to settle down.

    This morning I am starting the day with zero meds.

  21. Noticed breast skin started to peel slightly last night and that the cream is working great keeping my breast soft 

  22. What a wonderful day it has been, spent time with the girls at my hair salon then an excellent photo shoot. In between I stopped into Victoria's Secrets and pickup a new thong. One of the sales girls asked if I wanted to be fitted for a bra and replied with I will be back next weekend as I am still recovering from breast augmentation. She asked if it hurt and I replied comically it's all in the meds as I did not want to discuss my tolerance for pain. 

    Tonight I had pizza with one of my neighbors to close all the day.

  23. Weather today, just like yesterday looks to be the makings of a good day to get out and enjoy the sunshine and the beauty of this place I call home. May you all have an epic day!

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