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Status Updates posted by KarenPayne

  1. Just spent one hour listening to a clergy man talking about how wrong gender reassignment surgery is. He had valid arguments but did not fully grasp all who transgender and their life as it is. This all started on Facebook and was targeting people of faith and could not resist but to reply in a civil manner. Will wait and see what if any rebuttals are written from my reply. 

  2. Yesterday afternoon was the first time I could wear a bra after breast augmentation but unfortunately all I have are underwire bras and after a few hours the underwire was hurting so first chance today I am heading off to a mall within walking distance of work to get a non-wire bra and get a bra fitting tomorrow as I took the day off which I typically do during the summer months. 

  3. Enjoying the cool morning air before it gets hot this afternoon. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  4. About one month ago I applied for an Angel credit card from Victoria's Secrets because I shop there constantly and figured out I was losing out as when purchases are made they give you points that earn me specials and discounts. What girl does not like discounts on their underwear?

    Got a letter of denial indicating something wrong with my social security information. So I waited a month and had a similar issue. So was I surprised when my Angel card arrived in the mail today. So I am one happy girl now. 


  5. Another day of hot weather, perfect day for a skirt and light tank top. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  6. So happy the weather has dropped in temperature from the high nineties to the low eighties today and I love the new thongs I purchased from Victoria's Secrets last weekend. Hope everyone is having an epic day!!!  

  7. One more day till the weekend woo-hoo. Saturday I am attending the local Transgender parade in Portland which will be my first time. Since it's close to my friends house (who is going too) we don't have to contend with parking which is great. Enjoy the day!!!

  8. Thinking back to prior to transitioning I cherished working from home two days a week but since transitioning only work one day from home as it's so much more fun being with co-workers than not. Today, Friday is the only day I work from home and find myself wanting to go into work. Just shows how things get better over time so if reading this and on a path to reassignment that this shows life can be better.

  9. Had the weirdest dream last night, was standing in line at some store and someone said, nice underwear. I looked down and that's all I was wearing, underwear, no shoes lol.  

  10. Heading off with my best female friend to the Portland Trans parade shortly.



  11. It's early still but from the looks of things it will be an awesome Monday. This afternoon I am getting my two week manicure which I always enjoy talking to the other ladies and getting pampered. Hope everyone has a great Monday!!!

  12. For what it's worth, June 22 is "No panty day".

  13. One more day until the weekend when I am going to bask in the sunshine.

  14. I am seeing an old pattern emerging with myself in that 20 years ago I would get up at 2AM in the morning and be wide awake with vast amounts of energy coupled with weight lose. This stopped with a low thyroid condition. Now the pattern is back, have seen slow but steady changes in weight lose which any girl will welcome if in good health. Part of the weight lose is I am sure due to walking twice a day when possible or when not getting on my treadmill.

  15. All day long I felt to tall and have no clue why, think I will take a spin in a dryer :) 

  16. Watched "The opposite sex, Rene's story" on Showtime and think it's sad that her three brothers and most friends disowned her and that it's not just her but many that transition lose friends and also their jobs which there has to be a fair percentage that leave these people into a dark place or worst. Coming out and transitioning is one of the most difficult things a human can do.

  17. Well starting yesterday it's ninety degrees plus for the next week and happy to have AC. Have completely tossed the idea of wearing a bra during my non-working hours. I got up at 3AM this morning and the temperature was close to eighty outside. 

    Each year it's getting worst with the heat, 20 days of  ninety degrees plus days in August but none prior and now we have this happening in June, no a good sign for the rest of the summer and expect many more days of heat. 


  18. Can't explain why but I have been searching for a red polka dot bra but they have been eluding me size wise until today :) I like to accessorize spaghetti strap tops with color coordinated bras rather than simple nude or white so this is fantastic!! I now have a dozen well fitting bras.   

  19. My mentor came out with a new version of his impact/edge tool which I consider just about as good as it gets for non-lethal defense.


  20. Only three work days this week woo-hoo

  21. Watched Pearl Harbor this afternoon and had some many emotions popping other the smallest things, never happened with my former identity.

    Since it was hot this morning I went out and shopped and came home with a new purse and bra yippy.

  22. Heading to the coast to sit on the beach and free my mind. Have done this all my life on both coast and find it relaxing simply to watch the waves coming in and out with no distractions.

  23. When it comes to life, we spin our own yarn, and where we end up is really, in fact, where we always intended to be. 
    -- Julia Glass, Three Junes

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