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Pretty Colours

There are a few here that know my Mum is not accepting of my gender identity.  Despite this, it was not until just a few years ago that I found she is (unfortunately) also NOT a fan of gay and lesbian people either.  I guess I should have figured that in light of what she apparently thinks of transgender people.  Now that everyone has some background... lemme share what happened just a few days ago. I took my Mum to an appointment she had last week.  When we got there, we went to the front


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Reality of Hate

"I Am Jazz."  I've never watched the show.  A few days ago, I saw a commercial for, I guess, the new season.  Jazz mentions that she's gained a bit of weight.  I glanced up at the TV and thought to myself, "she's grown into a pretty young lady." Sitting at the computer and drawing tonite, I took a minute to flip thru the on-screen TV guide to see if there was anything on better than what was on the current channel.  I decided to check out TLC.  I noticed that "I Am Jazz" was going to come o


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Terminology & Time

The above posts came from the thread "International Journal of Transgenderism."  I remember when the term "transgender" really got rooted in here at TGG.  Years later, I found out the term was much older, having been coined back in the mid '70's, though if I recall correctly...it was not used as an "umbrella" under which everyone not straight and cisgender would gather.  Instead, it was thought that the general public would be more accepting of a term that didn't include the word "sex," an


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