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The burning questions I need answered. And just questions about life.

Entries in this blog

Got a few things on my mind

First off, Mothers Day. Happy Mothers Day to my wonderful mom. I have no idea how I would have made to now without her. I love her so much and with all my heart. She is my hero. No. It has no always been easy. The last few months have been a great example of that. Some would think I broke my mother's heart with my decision to transition. But I think it would have broken her heart more to lose me to the deep depression I was headed for. Because who know where that would have taken me. I was



And the beat goes on.....

I have moved. With the help of an all girl moving crew, the move went quick and smooth. My heartfelt thanks go to all girls who moved me. The cats are settling in nicely. Bean is finally not being quite so twitchy. She did not do well with the move at all. Monty, on the other hand, is loving the new place. He sits at the top of the stairs and stares down on us mere mortals in the living room. He also likes to race me up the stairs. Probably because the food dish is up there and he thinks h



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