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Becoming Amber

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I am so tired I can't even get my thoughts together to blog today, so this might be pretty short.. Anyways, check out the funny picture I attached to this blog entry...terrible grammar, but you get the idea. I tried listening to that hypno stuff last night. It's OK at some parts, but most of it is just so dumb. It has to be just a gimmick, but there is so much out there on the forums and blogs about it, so I thought it had some merit. I laugh when they say something like, "You are a wom




Today has been a long work day for me. Mainly because I had to yell at this guy who thinks his job is to harass me and others by pointing out every small detail we might have missed. Meanwhile, he screws up things on a huge level all the time and everyone just deals with it and doesn't say anything. Anyways, he got to hear about it from a real bitch today. He is just relentless with the ridicule and over the stupidest of things, "you left your computer unlocked today"...and it's like he is o



Easing into things

I finally have a moment to blog! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Anyways, I was unable to obtain the elusive Super-O. I worked on it for like two hours. I hope this isn't TMI for some of you but I bring it up because to me, it will be a huge step forward. I reached out to a Transgendered support group and I was able to actually use my female voice today. It was exhilarating but a little tough at first. Anyways, I don't think this woman who runs the support group want



Feels like the first time!

I love sharing all of my little "first time" moments with you guys. I just had to share this: I don't know what song was playing in the car at the time, but a guy was singing about his hot girl in a tight white shirt sitting next to him, and after it was done I realized that the whole time I felt like he was singing about me. I was like, "Wow!" Now every song about a hot girl is about me!...I love it! I am having soooo much fun! I also started looking at my ass and hips in the mirror



So much to do...

I spent all of yesterday just studying makeup techniques and looking at clothes. I have so much to learn that I don't even know where to start. I just keep going with whatever feels right at the moment. I bought a ton of stuff from beauty.com yesterday...lotions, hope in a jar, body wax, etc.. I have already spent $500 this week on clothes and beauty supplies. And there is so much more to get... I watched a video by Princess Joules on her makeup collection...oh my gosh, would I love t



Its getting kind of scary, but I am loving it!

OK, so I didn't mention that when this all started a few days ago, my eating habits immediately changed with absolutely no conscious effort of my own. I didn't eat at all the first day or two, and the meals I ate were very light and I just automatically ate how a woman would eat...I swear, as hungry as I was, I went straight for the Strawberry Romaine salad! I do need to work on my figure but I am not intentionally trying to deprive myself....it's just happening on its own! Today when I w



Amber is born

I have felt passionately about a lot of things before but never could gather the will to sit down and write a blog, but this is coming so naturally. Its as almost as natural as my recent realization that I am actually a woman. I found this site today and I thought it was great that TGGuide.com was encouraging their members to write blogs, and what perfect timing because I just began my journey to becoming the best woman I can be. I have already realized that I will make a much better woman th



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