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Maya's Blog

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New Album

Hurray! I finally finished the album I've been working on for the past two years. It's still not going to be officially released until 7/19/11 because I have to pay for the UPC and digital distribution, but I wanted to let everyone here get an advance listen. After all, this is going to be my most public exposure so far as Maya, it was written as a way of coping with my frustration over living as a man, and I probably wouldn't have been around still to finish this if it wasn't for the support



The Ten Reasons I Chose to be Trans

As you are no doubt aware, being transgender is a choice that some people make. Everyone has different reasons for making this choice and here are mine: 1. By the standards of men’s heights, I’m only considered somewhat tall. By women’s standards, however, I’m quite tall. 2. I so much prefer to use my hands and mouth for sex over my penis that I would like to remove the option entirely. 3. Attention; I could think of literally no other way to get attention from people. 4. Growing up secr



Free (?) Again

For the last week and a half, I was imprisoned; not only imprisoned in my own body, but my body itself imprisoned in a mental health facility (or for the rather upbeat group of would-be suiciders I was rooming with, the loony bin). Despite transgender protection laws being on the books in Illinois and my being in a state-run facility and their being aware that I identify as female, I was placed in the male rooms with access to the male restroom and shower. Sure, that's lame and uncomfortable f



Quick Notes...

I started writing this today and don't really know where I can save it, so I'm just going to keep it on here... Maybe I'll get back to it later (I think I know where it's going after this, despite the concept itself being something of a mindfuck to write), but I'm at work right now, so I really need to not start writing a novel... As Michael sat down to begin working on his new novel, intended as a way of dealing with his gender issues, he hit a brick wall. “Wow. One sentence in and a



Taking Another Step

I've been taking baby-steps. It's only fair, really. I'm on unfamiliar terrain composed of material I've never even encountered before. It's as different as concrete and the womb, so yes, I'm taking baby-steps. I've fallen and cried and cried for fear that nobody would pick me up and that I would not be able to pick myself up, but I've survived so far somehow, which gives me the courage to take another step. Today, I completed the screening process for therapy at Howard Brown. They said



Peeling Onions...

In high school, I made a lot of curried rice. I got the recipe from my mom's Betty Crocker cookbook. The most important aspect of it was the onion, chopped finely and caramelized with butter and curry powder. I just loved chopping those onions finely. It didn't make me cry. I was totally zoned in on the chopping. I had to get it really fine, barely noticeable that onions were in there. Then, it would be good enough to share with friends. Of course, tearing up all those onions was nic



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