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Living Apart Together (LAT) - A New Kind of Relationship

Learned about the concept, "Living Apart Together," (LAT), when I was surfing the 'net for "couples living apart happily," as I love my apartment and my town, Beacon, but miss having a woman (I am a cisgender Lesbian) to love and care about, because my community (Dutchess County, NY) is very TLGB-phobic.  My additional reasons are that I am a loud snorer, and have some other habits that I am too embarrassed to talk about.   Interestingly, "Living Apart Together," (LAT) came up.  Most of the info



Lesbians Getting "Real" - Together . . .

The other article on Lesbian Connection that hit me between the eyes was about relationships.   ""Where are all the 'real' women?"  "I just want someone to be honest and authentic!"  "No one I meet knows how to listen and go deep!"" "We offer dating and relationship classes for women, and it's amazing how often we hear this kind of thing from the Lesbians we work with.  We have some good news, and some bad news.  First - what you find out there is pretty much always a reflection of what you're b



Is There A Place For Short-Term Relationships?

All my life I sought a life-long relationship, and, yes, I found true love for ten years, (in my forties), only to lose it for my refusal to marry her (back then, a Holy Union), for fear of losing my Disability benefits and bankrupting her as a result. As I approach my 60's, I realize I have become more complex, because of all the life experience I have been through, making it more difficult for me to find someone with whom I am compatible.  What brought this home to me was my experience with fo



Is A Transwoman The Same as a Cisgender Woman?

There has been an argument in the Lesbian community for decades about whether transwomen are the same as cisgender (born female) women. The argument goes, "the transwoman has not suffered GROWING UP in a misogynist (woman hating) society." My answer is that it takes courage to transition from a man with male privilege to a woman in a misogynist society. So, BOTH are to be commended. In both the cisgender woman and the transwoman, I sense the female energy, that they BOTH had from birth



How To Survive The Holidays

In my opinion, there are three kinds of people when it comes to celebrating the holidays.  The first group of people had wonderful memories of the holidays.  Even if they came from dysfunctional families, sometimes all the dysfunction stops during the holiday, and, however so briefly, everything is "normal," or even idealistic during the holiday, before returning to the dysfunction of everyday life.  Often, as adults, they strive to recreate these idealistic holidays they enjoyed as children, w



Free Monthly Workshop On Zoom

Dear friends, A few days ago a friend passed on some information that might be helpful to you and I. This coming Saturday, August 22nd, a generous Speech Language Pathologist and gender voice specialist, Nicole Gress, MS, CCC, SLP, is starting to offer free monthly classes on Zoom, at 10 AM Pacific and 1 PM Eastern times.  If you would like to learn more or sign up, here's her contact information: Website: https://letstalk.mykajabi.com/gender-voice-tension-workshop



Fantasia Fair Has Extended Their Early Bird Fee Until The End of June . . .

Dear Friends, Have found a roommate on Fantasia Fair's Facebook page. But now for the better news . . . I just learned today that Fantasia Fair is extending their early bird rate of $510.00 for the week until the end of June! You can pay half to lock in the special price, but, instead of paying half, you can ask them to break it up into thirds. They will be meeting in beautiful Provincetown MA from Sunday, October 17th to Sunday, October 24th. Some meals are included. Please


My Dear Friends, When I learned about demisexuality, (here at TGGuide!), I was really excited because it described me to a 'T'!   Demisexuality, in my opinion, is not about sexual orientation, but about a person's APPROACH to sexuality, no matter what their sexual orientation is. It is "one step up" from asexuality, in that a demisexual is not easily aroused, because it takes time for the demisexual to get to know the person before becoming aroused. A demisexual is defined by a person who is sex




Bullying Bullying is a problem for everyone, sooner or later, at every age and stage of life. Sometimes it's subtle and other times it's very direct. In short, a behavior becomes bullying when a person "triangulates," which means bringing one or more other person(s) in to act against the victim. Others may have behaviors we don't like, such as racism, but this is their problem, not yours.  However, we have a right and obligation (bystander) to call out bullies because it crea




Would like to comment on two articles in the May/June 2016 issue of Lesbian Connection Magazine, on the topic of addictions.  Please note ALL the articles on addictions were EXCELLENT, but these two, in particular, resonated with me. "Last Fall I ended my 22-year relationship.  We had been in a civil union for the past 15 years, though things had not been very 'civil' for quite some time." "The very short version of the story begins with her back injury several years ago.  The resulting chronic



A Supportive Article in the July/August 2015 Lesbian Connection . . .

Today, I came across a moving and beautiful article by a reader of Lesbian Connection . . . "I am 64; I was born female and I have been Lesbian identified since I was 19 (soft butch).  I was active in the Gay Rights and the Women's Rights movements.  It is now 2015, and many things have changed." "I am weary of the ANTI-TRANSWOMEN words I keep reading here, and I'm having a hard time with some of the more caustic comments!  I have not heard anybody say whether or not these women are actually tra



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