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Dreams thoughts

I had weird dreams recently, but a theme from one of them has stuck in my head. It seems to me to be appropriate for most, it's "I will use my individual freedoms to my desired extent, without impinging on the freedoms of others", I think that this used to be called "good manners", but it's much more than just saying please and thank-you, and have a nice day too. It's more about how can I do what I want, and aid others too where I can. How much smoother the world would be if everyone adopted the



UK LGBT Politics & the meaning of Pride

I've been wondering just what to write about for almost two weeks now, life just seems to be so normal now, even though I'm doing things that I never used to do. My transitioning seems to have activated a bit of an activist streak in me, I joine LGBT Labour nearly a year ago just before presenting full time en femme. LGBT Labour is not part of the UK Labour Party, but supports and advises the Labour Party on LGBT issues, and policy contents. A couple of months ago I joined the Labour Party prope




I mentioned in my last blog entry that my wife and I were going to attend the annual "Sparkle" event in Manchester, and we did on the 11th July.  There were all sorts from the totally convincing and beautiful, to the not so convincing just out for a bit of fun over the week-end. The event was held at Sackville Gardens, which is located opposite Manchesters Canal Street which is the heart of their Gay Quarter. There are numerous bars along tree lined Canal Street with outside patio seating next t



Climatic conditions

This is really tiring, the temperature is above 30o celsius and there's hardly any wind not even a gentle breeze, that may be a walk in the park to those of you who live in hot countries, but here in the UK it's pretty stifling. Can't wait for cooler fresher Atlantic weather.  Anyway, it makes me realise how difficult it can be being a 'full time' trans woman, it's pretty near impossible to hide my broad shoulders, my scalp is soaking with sweat, make-up is pointless as sweat runs down my face,



Having a nice day!

Saturday 27th June was a nice day, after getting in the weekly supermarket shopping in the morning, I asked my wife what she wanted to do, as usual she said things that she thought I wanted to do, so I said no what do YOU want to do? She wanted to go to see the rose garden at Coughton Court, this about 10 miles or so from where we live in a little village called Kings Coughton. The Court is a National Trust site (sort of stately home and gardens open to the public and owned by the Trust), and it



Dr Leighton Seal - ChX GIC

I had a great day yesterday, I went to London (even the traffic was good!) to Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic (ChX GIC) for an appointment with Dr Leighton Seal, he's their Endocrinologist. He really is one of the most helpful Doctors I've ever met, he seemed willing to arrange the best available treatments within medical guidlines, we talked about which oestrogen traetments were more efficient, epidermal patches or tablets, I was on patches due to previous liver concerns, which are now all



The Ardennes

Hi, In an earlier entry I said that I was going to let you know how I got on in the Ardennes (southern Belgium and northern Luembourg), well we travelled in our Land Rover Freelander towing our caravan, started out at 02:00 Saturday morning, and got to Dover a little earlier than expected, P & O Ferries obligingly offered us an earlier sailing, which we accepted gratefully, we had bought club class lounge seats, the lounge was nearly empty, so we tried to sleep (not very successfully). Anywa



The further musings of Eve

I don't know if this is the same for other parts of the world, but here in parochial England there is a definate tendency for separate cliques within the Trans community. The individual cliques seem to me to be hierarchical too, I'm not sure if this intentional or not, I suspect that it isn't and it's just people with similar interests and similar issues in their lives gathering together. Let me explain, when I first took my faltering high heeled steps outside of my front door in the Birmingham



The musings of Eve

I've had a few random thoughts in the past couple of days, so i thought I'd share them whilst my nails are drying. A lot has been said recently about making decisions about going full-time and starting HRT, all of it was perfectly sensible and also correct about giving a lot of thought before taking a step that is largely irreversible, i have reflected on my own experience and reasoning and realised that an important (to me anyway) factor had been omitted thus far. I found it increasingly diffic



Puzzled by Therapists

Yesterday evening (Friday) we had some of our friends round for a BBQ and drinks, they were 3 trans and one wife plus my wife (should I now refer to her as my partner?) we had a great time. One of my Trans friends and I are quite close and we share many innermost thoughts such as how it all began for us with cross-dressing etc., I think it's imperative to have close freinds who are  going through similar issues, she is also like me waiting for her GRS, although she's in front of me in the queue.



Celeb Transwoman

Well ok you have, Caitlin Jenner in the US, and doesn't she look great on the cover of Vanity?. Here in the UK we have Kellie Maloney, formerly Frank Maloney, boxing promoter, managed Lennox Lewis amongst others, who has transitioned at the age of 60, that's what I call a really brave thing to do, of course it wasn't a choice, like most trans she could only resist being herself for so long, she has appeared on TV in rubbish dross shows such as Big Brother (reality show), but these are shows that



Coming out of the mist

I just thought that my previous entry wasn't quite complete, and I needed to add a second entry supplemental to it. When I first came out of the closet (Trans Wardrobe?) to my wife, the mist was just starting to thin, I didn't think it would ever be possible for me to become a full-time trans woman, even though my innermost self wanted it with all my heart. I had thought about it many times before and told myself it's not possible based on my physical build. Anyway I started dressing around the



Looking back through the mist

This has been bothering me for some time now, I have never felt as if I was born in the wrong body as many who have transitioned have. I have never really understood why I had it in me, or what caused me to want to transition to female. Sounds kind of daft to admit to that doesn't it, well it does to me anyway, I pretty much can't go back even if I wanted to, which I definately don't. After reading Becoming Drusilla, and Karen Paynes latest blog entry, it becomes ever more apparent to me, that s



Things I didn't see coming!

Hi, I thought I'd just jot down a few things that i didn't see coming before transitioning.............I'd love to know if others found some of the same issues. So here thay are; After about 2 years or so on oestrogen I find I need to pee a lot more often than I used to - especially just before leaving the front door. I now have a greater understanding of a womans need to pee! I don't drink as much alcohol as I used to (still drink too much though!), & I eat less food too. My taste buds appe



In County Court

Hi, last year June 30th I was involved in a road traffic accident (RTA) where as I was overtaking another slow moving vehicle when it suddenly turned right and smashed into the side of my car. I was travelling at 60mph and had to swerve at the last minute to the right hand verge, but still the other vehicle hit me and subsequently careered across a driveway and narrowly missed hitting a brick wall, I was shaken up, stopped as soon as I could safely, and walked back to exchange details. I was sti



Spoon hanging!

Whilst on my Dutch holiday, I decided to show our hosts the gentle British art of spoon hanging...................of course they also tried & quite successfully. Who knows this might catch on as a cult craze......... I find such nonsense amusing, must be sometnig to with having a small mental capacity, little things amuse little minds....................... Cheers , Eve



Going Dutch

Hi Girls and Boys, In my last entry I told of my excitement of going on holiday to Holland for a week driving with our caravan in tow from Dover to Dunkirk via a ferry. My excitement was fully justified, however dissapointingly no one on the outward journey checked my passport other than the ferry company, but no worry once on the ferry I settled down to reading a new e-book that I recently purchased (Becoming Drusilla - more about this later). No-one stared, no-one said any rude remarks as m



Using my new passport for the first time!

Hi, and I hope that you're all well. My wife and myself are off to Holland next weekend, we're taking our caravan behind our trusty Land-Rover, with our bicycles mounted inbetween. This will be the first time that I get to use my new passport, and be my new self 100% of our holiday. I'm not anxious about it at all, well apart from cycling with a wig on ! I'm really looking forward to it, we had a BBQ last night, our friends of whom I have told of before (he ? she? was also Trans, unknowingly



It's all becoming so normal!!!

I've been struggling to think of something to write about, being Eve seems so normal to me now, I'm even starting to forget who Steve was and how he thought........... I no longer feel so exposed at supermarkets or anywhere else for that matter, I am truly amazed at this, I never in my wildest dreams thought that any of this was ever going to be remotely possible. I had my second decapeptyl injection yesterday evening, and I can already feel the difference it makes, or is it the galss of Aust



Female talk

Had a great day at work yesterday, which finished off with a 45 min long chat with a female colleague who used to do the admin for our H&S Training Courses. This is really the first social chat I've had with a cis female who isn't a close friend, since transition. Well it was extremely frank and surprisingly different to any conversation that I've had with a male either before or after my transition. I think that the thing I felt most surprised about was the fact that talking felt so good de



A good week

I had a good day on Wednesday at work, had a long chat with a female manager who I had a Health & Safety Inspection appointment with, she was very complimentary and understanding of my transition, and we found out that we both had similar political views, whilst walking around her section, I found that they were selling jewellery which were displayed in glass cases. I actually bought a pewter broach, And the manager and her staff were also saying "Oh I like this and that one too" it was alm



A Moving Video

I found this on You Tube, the poem at the end really blew me away.............. I can't really think of what more to say after that, other than I have troubesome neighbours who want to stare.........they make my heart heavy......... Eve x




It struck me as I was watching BBC morning news, how bizarre it is that same sex marriage isn't allowed in Alabama, why bizarre you might ask? Well I live in Birminghma UK, and we are all aware that a city of the same name exists in Alabama, so? well didn't lots of people emigrate to the USA to escape restrictions on their freedom, escaping to the land of the free? And yet paradoxically in Birmingham UK same sex couples can marry without any bother, the law and police uphold all LGBT rights, the



Transdate 02/03/15 supplemental.......

I am so peed off with organisations getting my identity wrong.......... I have just received an appointment for a Pituitary MRI Scan at Redditch Hospital.....(because I had an abnormally low testosterone count in my blood) addressed to Mr Eve Ann ............. How embarrassing! I could go there and get called out as Mr ........... when I'm not anymore.........I've phoned the hospital, they've apologised, but I don't trust them to get it right. Identity change is a nightmare..................



Transdate 28/02/15

I have always had horrible ugly bags underneath my eyes since my early twenties, with the passage of time (lots!) my upper eye lids have also become hooded......Aaaarrrrrrggh! it makes eye shadow pure guess work! I wanted to have cosmetic surgery, and thought that that was the only option. Last week when I got my nails gelled, and eyebrows threaded, the salon technician said that she'd had her face lifted at the neighbouring complexion salon, so I enquired and was told what was entailed (Meso



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