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Transgender Message Forum
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Support from the Medical community has been a very disappointing experience for me.  My doctors all know I am transgender, I go to my appointments as Heather for years and yet it took me several years to get my letter for hormones.  My name on my medical record even shows Heather.  Once i started hormones, they would only give me a low dose (Highest dose was .15 Vivelle and Spiro).  Told the hormone dosage was to be equal to a post menopausal woman because of my age and why they would not give me a higher dose.  Did hormones for 3 years without a problem then had to quit.  (Hot flashes became to much to handle).  Had minimal results from using hormones.  Instead of working with me to see what could be done to enhance my transition, they did nothing.  Now I am starting over again to have breast augmentation surgery.  My first letter to get hormones is more than a year old and i need to get another one to have surgery (More therapy sessions, time, and money).  Seems like all the medical community is doing is costing me a lot more money to just perform what I need.  Costs more money to meet the doctors WPATH criteria than just do what is obvious.  If you think i am angry, I am, but what choices do i have?

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