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Motivation...and another (small?) step forward

I had a brief email exchange with one of my bosses yesterday, it started off with me distinguishing between "shopping" and "buying" (I won't go into the boring details of how that came up), and I said -

"If only the people in the mailroom knew what was in the many packages I get delivered here…"

Her response (she knows about my cross-dressing, but not that I'm TG) -

"Ha ha. They'd think you were surprising your girlfriend I bet. You really don't tip off the layperson."

I honestly found that her comment bothered me - I wasn't upset at her at all, it just made me wish that I "really DID" tip off the layperson more. This isn't a big deal at all, she only sees me at work and I know I'll have to further along in my journey before I push the envelope too much at work.

The point of this is that it did give me the little extra motivation I needed this morning to go to the gym in the new cute pair of shorts that I got recently. Those, along with the t-shirt and running shoes I wore, created a pretty decidedly female look :)


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Christie, you're doing great. You're lucky, too, that your employer and supervisor doesn't mind your receiving so many packages there. I'll bet you had fun at the gym!


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Thank you! And thank you for being such a positive presence here :)

The only downside to wearing the shorts this morning was that it was rather cold out, I should factor the weather into my decisions to be bold! Fortunately it's not a long walk from home to the gym.

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Veronica, I recently bought this pair from Kohl's (hoping the link works)


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