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Over the past few weeks I felt at times I should had some orgasmic feelings down below and was just getting ready to contact Marci asking if this was normal to have clitorous sensation to nothing at all even with manual stimulation. I was told that don't expect much until the nerves grow back and was fine with this but wait a minute, why was it there then went away.

Well without going into details I was asked by a man about sexual desires in a email. While writing back I felt the sensations which was about ten minutes ago and they are still there thank goodness.

So my reason for posting here is that others might have similar experiences and want them to know if you had it and it went away perhaps (and I am guessing this here) it is from a lack of sexual thoughts being provoked. Now there is always the chance you will never have these sensations which is why those who are considering GRS is to make sure you choose wisely to the surgeon you select.

I can not even begin to imagine going through the rest of my life without those sensations it would be horrible to say the least. It has been about 15 minutes and the sensations have not gone away yet :)


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Ronnie Virga



Glad to hear that your healing well! Glad to know that your surgery came out ok. You took a big roll of the dice because nerves are some tricky mojo. Hallelujah? Oh heck yeah! Awesome news for you! :)

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Veronica, I would be lost if the dice rolled the wrong way eek, don't even want to go there. Sex is down the list for me but essential just the same.

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