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Anger issues.....

Well first off, I'd like to start out with 'WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THE GUIDE?!"

Although some change is good, I've found it a little difficult to navigate the site and find my things and whatnot.....not 100% I'm a fan of this new set up....I'm not even sure if I'm blogging in my usual place or if this is just going to float around randomly...

Anyway, back to the blog.

So it has been made very obvious to me that I have anger issues, according to.....well, I dont know. The world? My anger problems has basically ruined my job which I had to quit for more reasons than one but, yes, it basically came down to my attitude problem.

But as the few weeks have passed I've come to realize that I am a very bipolar, angry person sometimes. Mostly during the evening.

During the day, right after taking my usual poison (all the damn meds my doc shoves at me) I'm alright. I'm usually in a tollerable mood, for the most part. But in the afternoons....I loose it. The littlest things p*** me right the f*** off. Misspelling things. Dropping things. Banging my elbow on something, not getting comfortable--ANYTHING sets me off into a rage and I just dont feel like I can deal with it. But the last thing I want is to complain to my doc and have her tell me to take even more meds. I'm so f***ing done with taking that crap. I'm sick of it.

I have to take muscle relaxant meds for my back at night now because I cant sleep, and I told her that I now have to sleep in an upright position else I cant breathe because of these stupid (what I wanted to say was more like ****ing ***hole ****ing pieces of horse **** that I cannot ****ing stand, but let's keep it civil) but I've basically been told that theres nothing anyone can do about it unless I opt for breast reduction.

News Flash: I do NOT want to go through a surgery that I do NOT WANT, only to have to deal with the depression of STILL HAVING THEM, and THEN deal with maybe going into surgery for a SECOND TIME and pay a SECOND BILL to finally finish what I wanted done in the first place.

I seriously, seriously ****ing refuse to do it! If they're not willing to take care of the problem 100% then its not worth fighting with. I'm just....I'm so...so...so done....

I havent cut in about two....maybe three weeks. My bicep looks flawless, tanned, healed....like it never happened. That's the strange thing about my "habit"...it almost never scars. So when its over and done with and I'm alright again, it's like nothing ever happened. I have no proof of my mental turmoil. No concrete evidence of my torment and depression. Not that it should matter, having the scars. But it's almost frustrating. After all the pain and anger and tears that went into it all...and nothing shows from it.

My dysphoria has gotten worse.

The constant nagging of having 44DD breasts bound tightly in nearly three shirts, suffocating, sweating like a farm animal; yet mentally I'm always stressing that they can still be seen. That the people around me can still see through my agonizing cover-up, and inside they're laughing at me. Judging me. Mocking my existance.

What God would be so cruel as to force this onto a person? What had I done wrong to anyone to deserve such mental anguish? The embarrassment, the depression, and annoyance and anger........Yes, I have anger issues. Yes, I have anxiety problems. And yes, I have an attitude problem at times. But now I have to ask....Do you really, truely, seriously f***ing blame me?

My mother mocks me behind my back, telling others lies and embarrassing rumors about my "attention seeking lifestyle". That I'm only transgendered for the attention. That I paid the 130$ to change my name, for attention. That I went through the bulls*** to get a new Social Security card....for attention. That I'm an embarrassment to her. To the family.

My older sister keeps me from the nieces I've put so much on the line to protect and keep happy. My boyfriends family refuses to give in even a little bit to my new name or pronouns, and on top of all the crap I have to deal with from people who are my "family"...I then have to deal with my own problems.

The constant desire to hide in the bathroom away from the world. The napping all day simply because if I'm awake, I have to wear my binders and be around people. The literal consideration of serious mutilation in order for the hospitals to HAVE to remove that which I despise. I didnt used to be this bad. I didnt used to think, act, feel, or behave like this.

I was getting better....I hadnt dont any self harm. But now....I dont feel like I can keep that back. Hell, I shoved something down the front of my jeans today only because that emptiness made me feel sick. I've never had to go that far...I was comfortable with my lower half. I didnt like it, but I was comfortable with it. Now it's like I cannot handle any of it.

And now that I have no insurance, no job, no life basically.....the hell else am I supposed to do?

The gofundme has been a bust, and understandably. Everyone's broke, no one sees it as something nessesary or worthy, plus with all the stuff going on around the world like the shoots and Nepal and the earthquakes; my request seems childish and downright stupid. Selfish.

I keep having thoughts, a voice I guess you could say. The phrases and sentences muttered in my voice, my tone, but not things I would normally grumble. Theyre depressing and only infuriate me even more. I'm not sure what to do anymore, except simply go back to bed.


Good news is that this time last year, I weighted 236pnds. Today I weighed in at 204pnds. Guess that's good. Maybe, I dont know. Now I have lose, disgusting, annoying skin.


Off to another pointless nap.



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Warren. I honestly feel for you and others who are in the same predicament, can't imagine the pain and hardship you are going through and pray that somehow things will get better for you. This is a clear case where there should be a program from the government or  insurance that would take care of your needs as it seems other things that is done for people with aliments are handled that are not gender related. Society believes (because they are not educated on transgender) we who are transgender can shrug these feels off by flipping a switch if we really wanted to yet the reality is that switch is non-existing and that it only gets worst as we grow older.  

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I completely agree with Karen's comments, especially the need for medical support from somewhere for people who are suffering and can't afford what they need.  At times I almost hope the republicans kill off Obamacare so that another push for socialized medicine might happen (with all of the people who would suddenly find themselves not covered it could happen).

I found over time that most of my anger comes from a general feeling of powerlessness (pretty intense at times).  And you're right, it's absurd to think that someone would "choose" to be transgender when that would only make the feeling worse.  Ultimately I know the only thing I can really control is my own response to things - but that is far easier said than done.

Please do keep writing!  I think it helps to share feelings, and you never know when you'll get some helpful feedback.  (And I think the way the system works now is that the latest blog entries do go at the time of the list, so no need to worry about people seeing your entries)



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I think you're completely justified in your hurt feelings and stress.

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Dear Warren,

Oh man, I'm glad you wrote this. Sure, I hate it that your mom is such a jerk to you, and that you're so miserable. All I can say is that I do understand, I think, how you're feeling. I hope that helps at least in a small way. I'm also glad that you haven't cut for 2-3 weeks even though it doesn't seem to scar. 

If it helps I can tell you that I also get very sad, frustrated, and short tempered. And when I do I just want to withdraw into my shell. When I meet people I'm on edge for fear they will see the real me: flawed, sad, and screwed up. So it's safer to withdraw and hide. Hmm. But that's no solution.

Is there a "cure"? I don't know. I think the thing we need to do is to try to make habits of doing the things that make us feel good and okay about ourselves. You know, like when sometimes you're surprised to find that for the past few moments or minutes you felt okay? The alternative, which I am so freaking familiar with, is to dwell on the crap, which feeds on itself and brings me right down into the dumps.

Yeah, this is all much easier said than done. One idea that I came across last night: for the next 100 days, try to remember to take one photo per day at a time when you're feeling good. Then you can look at those photos and bring back those good feelings. So this morning I took a photo of the Palace of Fine Arts in SF. I had my coffee and the morning was brisk, and I was, for some damned reason, feeling good. 

I need to try to remember to take another photo tomorrow, and the next 98 days, maybe more. If I forget, that's cool. At least it's something I can do that is easy and, who knows, maybe it will help.

Let's try it together.


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