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New territories

Last week I received a friend request on Facebook from a man I don't know. Usually I only allow either people I know or people that are connected to my current friends. Well not sure if this one was a mistake or not as of today.

It started off immediately, each morning he would message me asking how I was doing and would respond in a way that nothing could be construed in any way that I was interested more than being friends.

This morning it became apparent he wants to date me. There are several issues here, the first is me (do I need to explain lol) which I fully disclosed this morning about my gender in which I spelled it out. He comes back and says "are you a male" and I responded in more details about having zero male parts. I expected no reply and for about three hours no a peep. At this point I believe this is done but I then get a new message indicating he wants to continue which leads to issue number two. He lives in New York which is on the opposite coast. Now before going farther, this is indeed new territory as I am much more attracted to females than males.

When I look at a cisgender female I see beauty not just in the physical shell but in their being. When I look at a man something comes out which is primal, void of any conceivable notion of love which I get with cisgender females.

Even with that my mammalian brain in a warped sense is driven to like men but at the same time feel like a female pray mantis that eats her mate after sex (not I did not say make love). Now that is a statement in and of itself and wonder what a therapist reply to that would be?

I am starting to think if he progresses with his actions with intent to date I will need to politely tell him I am not interested.



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Dear Karen,

It is easy to have misunderstandings on the Internet.  There have been occasions when I have liked someone on the Internet, only to realize later on the telephone or in person, that there was no chemistry.  Also, there were people I met in person, had I not met them in person, but on the Internet, I might not have given them a chance, frankly, because of their looks.  

Have known a few women (usually very young) who THOUGHT they were Lesbian, only to realize that they were heterosexual.  Often they thought they were Lesbian while in high school and/or college, and realize near graduation, that they were heterosexual. They were called "Lesbian Until Graduation," or LUG's.  

Have seen people confuse deep friendship for romantic love.  Examples, in my opinion, are Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.

If you keep it only on the Internet, you will never know.  Personally, if a person wants to correspond on the Internet more than a month, I consider the person as not really interested in me or playing games.  You may want to bring it on to the telephone, after being on the Internet for about a month.  If I were you, I would ask him if he was ever interested in a transwoman before.  Perhaps consider sending him the pictures you sent your mother and brother, as well as others.

My mother, may God rest her soul, explained that the six layers of a wedding cake, started with respect on the bottom, then the next layer was friendship, then the next, non-romantic love, the next, romantic love, the next, marriage, and the top, which is eaten on the first anniversary, represented family, because in the old days, a bride was usually pregnant by her first anniversary.  

The worst thing that can happen, is that you will make a friend, and it does not go any further than that, and the best thing that could happen, is that you will meet a wonderful guy who RESPECTS and LOVES women for all the right reasons.

Please be careful, in meeting him in a public place, and take your time in getting to know him.

You are an attractive woman, and the Internet will work well for you as another resource for meeting people, while a woman like me, would do best meeting people in person.  By the way, I have had many wonderful friendships with men, while I had romantic relationships with women.  My masculine energy resonated with men as friendship, and it also resonated with women as love.

Karen, please remember, it starts as FRIENDSHIP FIRST, and having sex on a casual basis does not really give a person the insight they need to know if they are Lesbian or Straight.  Don't rush it.

Your friend,


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Posted (edited)

Hmmmm, that's interesting and what develops might be more interesting. I find it strange that I have exactly the same thougts about women as you Karen, and the thought of me having sex with a man repulses me, but paradoxically, I sometimes fantasize about being made love to with a penis. I can only explain so far, and that it's not the reproductive organ that bothers me it's the rest of the flesh and persona around it! I think that Male persona's are what really bother me.

It's all rather hypothetical anyway seeing as I'm married, yes Monica, albeit rather like Bill & Hillary, perhaps slightly more to true love but not romantic love, anymore lestways.

I also worry about "Tranny Chasers" as they are called over here, males who want to experience something different, often wanting pre-op trans girls after seeing the porn sites, with the sole reason so that they can fulfil their fantasies.

"Primeval and void of the notion of love" I think lots of men would fit that description, but not all. I just couldn't do it with a man, I think that they're nearly all ugly, such a shame God gave them all the penises...................



Edited by eveannessant
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Monica, thanks for the words of wisdom. In regards to meeting people in public, in my past life I would not worry at all beings how I am trained but then even so would take counter measures to ensure I could not be traced back to my residence. Since transitioning have met a few people but nothing went so far as sex as I am the type who will not have sex with someone unless I have genuine feelings, not the type that come from below the belt. So with that said, yes, a relationship comes first. 

Eve, we have men here to that want to explore and nothing more, have encountered them in the past and avoid them at all cost.

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