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I feel much better. It took me a couple of days to emerge from the mental crater left behind from my meltdown a week ago. Work and a business trip, took my mind off of things for a while. It was the perfect medicine for what ailed me which I knew would be the case.

I had to buy sports bras because running has become painful. 2 for $20 from Costco. Breasts are a pain in the a$$, but I'll take them. Lol! I am almost a size B which is crazy. My left breast is growing faster than my right. I don't want them to get too big. I like to exercise quite a bit, so they just get in the way. Plus being big breasted makes it harder to find dresses. I can always add padding if i need to.

Work is getting better. I finally feel like I am starting to fit in after 2.5 years at my current job, lol!

My wife did tell two close family friends, who go to our church and are the godparents to our kids, that I am trans*. My wife said that they were supportive, which is good news. Not sure other members will feel the same.

Thank you for all of your love and support! I cannot do it without you all.

I hope that you have a glorious week.

Love and Blessings,



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Dear Lisa,

Just to let you know, women's breasts are seldom exactly the same size (although mine were, before I had a biopsy the size of an egg removed from my left breast at 9 O' Clock, where my breast contacts my left arm).  Interestingly, the last two months my breasts suddenly enlarged (along with other bodily changes), before the hot weather started, and my nipples became very tender.  Am post menopausal, and I do have annual mammograms (thank God, clean).  Saw the doctor last Monday, for a complete physical and blood workup, and I will let you know what she has to say.

Would suggest you invest in some sleeping bras, as they will help you get a good night's sleep.  Wish they had them in my size!  LOL!

Your friend,


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Well, my breasts do hurt all of the time now. I may look into a sleeping bra.

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Lisa, in regards to breast issues, just consider it part of your journey. Mine never hurt but they were always itchy until breast implants were done.

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