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Catching up



Hi everyone,

I just noticed it's been about 3 weeks since I've written anything!  It's been a bit of a whirlwind lately, but mostly in a good or great way.

The biggest update is that as of October 19 my name will officially, legally become Christie Ann  :-)    Then begins the long process of changing my name everywhere (I have a lengthy list going - I just spent some time prioritizing - driver's license, credit cards, HR at work, etc.).  Using that as a basis I sent a group-wide email to family members - cousins and extended family - telling them about my transition and my name change.  I've heard back - positively - from several of them already.

This coming Thursday is my next endocrinologist appointment, so hopefully my HRT prescription will be increased.

In general, presenting as a woman has become far more second-nature.  I was thrown a little today when I went shopping, the person at Loft started using male pronouns, but I realized it was just because when I went to open an account I had to give her my driver's license, so it was understandable (though still, I was standing right there, openly shopping at store that only sells women's clothing...)  Anyway...  I do need to resume working on my voice.

Work-wise, I got a promotion recently.  Although I'm still doing the functions I was doing, they added some marketing responsibilities (website and social media specifically), and increased my pay grade, with a pretty nice salary increase.  It makes the prospect of some surgery next summer much more feasible (I'm thinking about top surgery next summer).

There are still some things that don't feel quite right - but in general things are moving in a better direction (including my shoulder, which is starting to get back some mobility).  One thing I observed about myself last night is that I tend to wait for things to happen rather than doing things.  It shows itself the most with my excessive checking of email and twitter.  I need to work on that.

Anyway, that's my update for now :-)



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Hiya Christie Ann. I Am so Glad that things are going well for You. Firstly, Congratulations on Your upcoming Name Change. Also, Congratulations on Your Work Promotion. I Am Very Glad that Your Family are accepting of Your Transition. Christie, You should be very Proud of Yourself, and how Far You have already come. You are a Lovely Lady. Good Luck, Take Care, and Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 

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