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Name change ... some more

Well, my name change became official this past Monday (the 19th).  I was hoping to get some documents taken care of, but was thwarted by the court, they hadn't recorded the last filing, so I couldn't get the certified copy of the order that I needed.  I got that this morning - yay!!!  But then the social security office was closed (at noon!  what's that about!?!?).  I'm hoping tomorrow morning I can get social security and driver's license done, then I'll have what I need to plow through the rest of my list (that'll take a few weeks, but I've prioritized it).

I'm also changing my gender identification for social security and driver's license, they required 2 different certifications (one from a doctor, one from a therapist), but I have both documents now.

As I filled out the payment form at the court I realized it was the first time I officially wrote my new name on something, that felt very good :-)

I went out Monday night with a couple of friends for dinner to celebrate "name day" - we went to a TGIF's in Jersey.  The evening started off very nicely as the hostess complimented my make-up (which was especially nice as it was the make-up i had on all day, just a little touched-up before dinner).  I'll do something more tomorrow night assuming I get my driver's license.




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Posted (edited)

Hi Christie,

It's so refreshing to know that it's not just the UK that presents problems and procedures such as you've decribed. In my case when it was all completed I felt a real sense of relief and satisfaction that it was all over........................until the past couple of days when domestic energy companies starting writing to me in my former identity..........is this never ending? LoL :wub:



Edited by eveannessant
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Hello Christie,

If your state is like mine the rule for DMV is to have not simply have a therapist letter but that the therapist is WPATH certified for the gender designator to change. 

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Hiya Christie Anne. Congratulations Lovely Christie, on finally getting Your Name changed. This is something that I hope to do, before too long ! It must be so satisfying. Christie, All Government Departments here in the UK, seem to drag Their feet over things, so It must be a World-Wide thing ! Christie, I hope that You get everything changed soon !  Good Luck, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxoxoxo 

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Follow up - i successfully changed my name with social security and my driver's license - yay!!!!

Failed to change gender I'd - with my driver's license it was just because I had a copy of my therapist's letter and I need the original, i'll go back next week.

Social security I have to file a complaint with, i'm pretty sure they're misinterpreting the rules in refusing my request (I was a lawyer, so I have some idea)

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Hiya Christie Anne. As I said before, UK Government Department's, are just as Bad. You lucky "Girl", getting a reply tweet from Debbie Gibson. Anyway, Christie, Life seems to be going in a wonderful, positive direction for You, and I Am so Pleased, because You are a Lovely and Sincere Young Lady, and You deserve things to go well. Christie, You file that Official Complaint Sweetheart, and Please let Us know how You get on. Christie, have a Great Weekend, Take Care, and remember, this is Your First "Official" Weekend, so I hope that You are going to celebrate !  Christie Anne, My Very Best Wishes, to You, Stephanie. xoxoxoxo 

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I had no end of arguments with organisations about copies of Deed Poll (UK Name Change) Certificates, whereever possible if an organisation was being difficult with me I close my account, go to a competitor and open an account in my new identity. I know you can't do this with Government Departments, but I feel it's a matter of principle with commercial organisations. Having said that I did get my bank to compensate me for their mistakes, and they paid for my Deed Poll too!

What have social security done or not done?, it might be me, but it's not totally clear to me from reading the entries.



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Hello Christie,

In regards to Social Security, not sure if the following fits the rules of your state or not but here in Oregon they will only change gender if the letter from the therapist is an approval letter for gender reassignment surgery and not a letter stating that the person is suffering from gender dysphoria..

Any ways congrats on what you have achieved woohoo. 

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Congrats Christie.  All the best with the remainder also struggling this side with all documents needed.




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