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Learn from the celebrities- haircut for my face shape

Today I was wondering what a good haircut for my face shape would be.

I daydreamed a bit about how nice it would be to have a list of celebrities with my facial shape. Then I could just look at their best looks. OK I was being lazy....

Anyway that led me to this site http://www.pictriev.com/ which it just so happens does not require an account or social media login. 

I just uploaded a "casual" pic wearing light makeup and a cheap wig.

Apparently I need to step up my game. The cruel and unforgiving masculinity meter tipped to 53%. It did however offer me 3 cis female celebs that I resemble to varying degrees of fidelity. A quick googling later and i had some hairstyle ideas! 

Now its off to Amazon to looks at wigs. Wheeee



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Well I just love their appraisal of my face,  98 percent feminine and age 49 and ten look-a-likes.

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It took me 12 photos to get lower than an 86% masculine face, and the oldest it would age me was 20.  I'm 44.  LOL  Apparently I have a very boy face and was unaware of it all my life!  Nikki is laughing so hard at me.  I was traumatized when it aged one recent photo of me at SIX years old!

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I would not put much into this appraisal, I tried it again, this time I got 97 percent female and age 20. I look young for my age but give me a break, 20 for a 60 year old?

There is another app, similarity meter. So I uploaded my male picture and my current picture and here is what I got.




Lol.  I thought being aged at six was bad but you managed to get newborn!

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