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Blair Jamie

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Hiya Blair Jamie. Your Blog Sweetheart, is Wonderful. Your Confidence is Outstanding. You are a Very Beautiful,, and Pretty Young Lady Blair Jamie.  You Look So, So, Happy, and I Am So Glad, that Your School Staff, and Your Real Friend's, are Fully Supporting You. I Know from My Own Personal Experience, that keeping everything hidden, is Horrendous.  Blair Jamie, I Am So, So, Glad that You have been able to "Come-Out" whilst You are still Young, as it means that You have got so much of Your Life ahead of You, which You can enjoy Living, being the Girl that You actually are.  Blair Jamie, You have My Love and Support, and Your Photograph's, are Lovely.  Sweetheart, take No notice of Anyone who is Negative towards You, just keep Your Friend's Close.  I Personally Love wearing All Female Underwear and Clothing, and as I.Am Fully; Full-Time; Female-Dressed, and Living; I can tell You that My Own Confidence, is Very High, and I Started wearing Female Attire, and being "Out" in "Public", the Day after I Came-Out.  Blait-Jjamie, keep Your Pretty head held up high, and enjoy Your Life. Female Undies and Clothing are so Pretty, and so Comfortable to wear. Us Girl's are so Lucky with that. ( Men's Clothing, is Horrible ! ).  Blair Jamie, Speak Soon, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes Sweetheart. Love Stephanie. xx 



Hey steph53. 

Thank you so much for your kind comment, it means to world to me to have your support and im so so glad you liked my video! it is really encouraging and inspires me to continue what im doing. You are so right when saying i am lucky, i am so truly blessed to be able to do this as such a young age and that is why im doing it so publicly so we can have more people having the confidence to do this when they truly want to and not be afraid to 'come out'

Im so glad you are finally happy with your and living to your authentic self and can finally go out in public with the confidence you need! 


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