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Introduction To First Blog

    Hello, as said in the description, I am Jackson but Jack is just fine. I am 14 years of age and I am what others would call a "FTM Transgender", or simply "Female To Male Transgender". 

    This blog will mainly contain posts of my journey as a transgender youth living with an unsupportive mother and father. It is hard, but I have to stay strong and keep moving forward in order to get somewhere. I will also give as best of advice as I can to transgenders who haven't yet come out to family or any kind of gender really. It is a hard thing, I understand that and I know it can be scary. It was scary for me coming out to my parents but I still did it because it was something I had to do. I wouldn't get anywhere if I hadn't come out. I will ge more into what had all happened once I get my account and blog all set up, so until then stay tuned with me and wait for my next upload.


               Love you guys, Jackson


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Hello Jack,

If you are sure and it sounds that way in regards to being male stuck in a female body then this is the right step to come out as keeping this to yourself will only be harmful in the long run. Without knowing all the facts I would say be careful to how you continue your journey regarding communication with your parents, play it smart, don't push them too hard simply put yourself in their shoes and try to work from there.

These blogs are a great outlet so by all means write away!

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Hiya Jack. Welcome to TGGuide. As Karen says "Be careful to how You continue Your journey, regarding communication with Your Parent's, play it smart, don't push them too hard, simply put Yourself in Their shoes, and try to work from there. These Blogs, are a great outlet, so by all means, write away."  Here on TGGuide, You can gain All sorts of Advice, and Information. Jack, Good Luck with Your FtoM Transitioning. Jack, I Am Personally Transitioning, from MtoF, and I Am 53 Year's Old, and I have known, since I was 3 Year's of Age, that I Am Female; Trapped; In A Male Body. I can therefore understand, how You feel, but in reverse.  Jack, You are only Young, and You have got a whole lifetime ahead of You. I think, that if You take Your time, things will work out alright for You. I Came-Out, as Transsexual, on 30th. April, 2015, and I started Buying, and Wearing Female Undies, and Clothing, and being "Out" in Public, in 1st. May, 2015. I have been Fully; Full-Time; Female Dressed; and Living, ever since. Jack, enjoy Your Transitioning, Keep in touch with TGGuide, Good Luck; Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. 

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