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Well, it's exactly a year to the day since I changed my name and became a full - time Eve begining my RLE. It's hard to believe that I haven't appeared as male in all that time, and all the things I've done and places I've been as Eve. Physical development too, especially facial features, I look in the mirror now and know that I don't look like a bloke anymore - hurray that was one of my greatest fears. I don't worry about passing anymore, I don't worry if someone realises that I'm trans either, I'm just me and I'm happy with myself. I find myself thinking about outfits and how I'd feel wearing them, I can't stop buying clothes, I just love being me.........And to steal someone elses phrase, it's my Birthgirlday, and I'm one.

Last month I attended a trial trans / gender neutral only swimming session, but couldn't swim due to a deeply gashed palm, but on Sunday I will wear a swimsuit for the first time and go swimming, I also have a swimming cap in pink! Can't wait, but I hope one day to be able to go to any swimming pool but it'll have to wait until after GRS. So in the meantime this looks as if it's the only activity when I am still in an artificial environment (closet :angry:), well I really look forward to seeing what the next year brings when I'll be two.


Eve xx


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Hiya Eve. Happy 1st. Birthgirlday, Young Lady. Good on You, Eve. Where does time go ?  Well It Is Now Over, 7 Month's, since I Came-Out, as Transsexual, and been Fully; Full-Time; Female-Dressing, and Living; and I Am A typical girl, for My Undies; Nightwear; Clothing; and Footwear Shopping. Eve enjoy celebrating Your 1st. Birthgirlday. Enjoy !  Speak Soon, Take Care, and My Very Best Wishes. Big Hug's, Stephanie. xoxo 

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Happy anniversary :D

(I did my deed poll a couple of days ago so my anniversary will be near yours).

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