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My Christmas

Hope you all had a great Christmas, mine was quiet, but the following day we went out to get party food from the supermarkets, and on the 27th my partner and I held a party, it was manic preparation all day, and then my mother arrived late afternoon followed by friends who sorted out her Windows PC for her. My lovely partner cooked loads of party food all afternoon and made a fabulous Black Forest Gateau, she put quantities of Kirsch Wasser and de Kuyper Cherry Brandy in with the cherry filling layers, it's my top favourite cake and it was to celebrate my birthday, but it wasn't large enough to place the many candles necessary for my age!

Anyway enough about culinary ingredients, friends soon started to arrive both local and further afield as far as The Hague, I have mentioned our Dutch friends in an earlier posting, he is way over 6' tall and she is a New Zealander, she had took me for a bra fitting in The Hague last April, this time she mercilessly teased me to the great amusement of all, especially me! Well much alcohol was consumed by all, including 2 bottles of pink Champagne, we had a great time. The following two days we took our Dutch/NZ friends out to see the local attractions and Birmingham City centre.

Today I have had a little more time to myself before I went out for my mammogram appointment, which is part of the national healths breast screening service. It didn't feel at all strange to me, the staff were entirely respectful and treated me exactly the same as if I was a CIS woman. 

So since Christmas I haven't really had much time to do much, so I'm really looking forward to a few quiet days to myself from tomorrow before I return to work.

My partner has really noticed how well I pass these days, no one stares at me anymore, but then again I couldn't care less if they did, but it makes her life a lot easier when we're out and about, and she's really happy now, almost as happy as I am.................Sometimes I have to pinch myself, to check that I'm awake and not dreaming all this.............

Hoping you all have a great New Year as yourselves,




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Hiya Eve. I Am so glad that Your Christmas went well. I will Not ruin Your Christmas talking about mine. But, I will say enjoy the rest, over the Next Few Day's. ( By the way, what is Your Partner's name ? ) Anyway Eve, I Wish You, And Your Partner, Good Health, Good Luck, Every Happiness, And All The Very Best. Have A Very Happy And Healthy New Year For 2016. Take Care, With My Very Best Wishes, Stephanie. xoxo 

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Black Forest Gateau... mmm... my favourite too. Along with Bakewell tart and cheesecake. Any kind of cheesecake - I'm not fussy ;)

All the Best, Eve. Have a great New Year.

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