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The Artist in Me

Hello again!

As I stated in my previous blog, I werent exactly finished, haha!

I have been working on more artwork in both the mandalas and other art pages and I fully enjoy doing them. It's very addicting! I had mentioned to our doctor that we're no longer taking our anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications anymore because we dont feel that we need them anymore. When she asked what we were doing to help our anxiety instead, we explained that we've been doing Adult Coloring Books and other art and it is helping greatly on our focus and stress. She agreed and explained that it is actually now being used as a therapy for people with Anxiety Disorders and encouraged us to stay on the routine we have now, dismissing the medications and instead going to art. No arguments here!

So we were given permission to buy 20$ worth of Adult Coloring books from online, but we were a bit sad to find that 20$ does not go far with these books. Most of the books under 5$ werent very detailed or struck our interest. The only two that we found that we really wanted were 9.95$ each and another 5$ in shipping. So we got those two, but then wondered how else we could have a large variety of things to color without breaking the bank. So instead we looked up "Adult Coloring pages" and "Blank Linework art" online and found hundreds of interesting coloring pages that were more our age range. We saved about thirty of them and made sure to get pages that each of us (alts) wanted. After Justin's mother offered to print them out while she was at work, we then had the task of figuring out what to do with all those loose papers.

So we bought a large 3ring binder and two packages of page protectors. Viola! Our own hardcover art book that will also protect the finished artwork! Cheap and very effective than buying several art books that might have pages that we have no interest in coloring.

Here are a few photos of the book and the finished art.

Cover page by Alexandru V.



Elven Queen by Alexandru V.



"Sugar Baby Mama" by Abriella D.



More to come soon, I assure you!

Now....if only we could write off coloring as a therapy-related Prescription and get our insurance to pay for our markers and binders!

Ha! One can only dream, haha


Also Ren and I have decided to try and get back into the work of bookwriting. It'll be an effort on both our parts!




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The detail on those is lovely and intricate!  They are very beautiful!



Thank you Briannah and a very large thank you, Veronica! Those links were very helpful!

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