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Tempus Fugit



I haven't been around for a while (sorry!) because I've been burying myself in work (lot and lots of it) and in other stuff, to occupy my mind, or to distract myself from unwanted thoughts to be more precise.

Been doing a bit of training for ATH (Action for Trans* Health) here in the UK - training to become an Advocate. I'm also volunteering for the Trans* programme at the LGBT Foundation here in Manchester, so I have been spending a fair amount of time hanging around the LGBT Foundation headquarters on Richmond Street. I was there all day yesterday. That's where the monthly FTM group meets although it seems like months since I've been to one of those (but it hasn't been months at all).

I've been preparing a bunch of articles and stuff for LGBT HM to be posted on our company LGBT+ internal website, and also preparing information and biographies of notable trans* people for the week leading up to 31 March (International Transgender Day of Awareness) - the plan is to have a different article and a different bio uploaded to the site each day of the week leading to ITDoA.

I've done all this (and I am continuing to do it) because I still have my writer's block :(

If I can't write something, I send myself crazy.

I hope everyone is doing ok... xxx


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Wow, Jay, I certainly know share the burying myself in stuff (work, books, bicycling, anything) to get away from it all, distract myself. It's like running and running, and it gets exhausting, doesn't it?  But I do get stuff done.  B) 

I think you're to be admired and thanked for your writing for your company's LGBT website. It's folks like you who gradually bring us all out that much further into the open, out of the darkness.  

I also share what you say about writer's block. Some years back I tried my hand at writing fiction.  Took classes which I enjoyed and did well at, or at least well enough to get A's although that doesn't mean much in the real world, does it? But when I tried to start something independent I simply could not avoid my thoughts and dreams about being part of the community of women... And this was long before I came out to my wife, my therapist, or pretty much even myself. Goodness, that was tough. I agree with you that, regardless, keep writing.  It'll break through.

These days I work back in marketing at a technology company, I still have to write, but marketing collateral and things like that. I've found that when I stare at the screen I often get blocked. It's as if by using the keyboard whatever I write must be perfect, spelling, grammar, and thought.  To break through that I try to write it on paper. Then it's as if I have license to screw up, cross out, move things around, and just allow my stream of consciousness to break free.  You might try that!  



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Thanks for the encouragement, Emma. I'll take your advice regarding using pen and paper. It's kind of reassuring to know I'm not the only one who tires themselves out on purpose ;) 

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