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Can I just please have some air?

All the symptoms but the lung congestion have fallen away.  If it's not gone by Tuesday, I'm going to back to see Bethany because I've had things like this turn into Pnuemonia before.   And the last thing Nikki needs just before he starts seeing the therapist is for me to go from sick to 'into real trouble'.  Blargh.  I feel like I want to cough out my lungs, windpide, and or esophagus.  And I have this irrational fear that I"m ruining the weekends girl time, even though Nikki says he's not feeling great and doesn't feel like screwing around with it. 

I'm sorta in a perfect internal storm of anxiety triggers.  The ongoing struggle with my family, the extra hours at work (my job is awful, and the smoke from teh boss has been driving my congestion and asthma crazy), the paranoia that I'll get my guts twisted up from the severe coughing again (that is how I injured myself into surgery last July), my asthma triggering off the congestion and making it crazy hard to get enough air, and Nikki being really sick and down again are all making me crazy.  Doctor said two weeks is the normal clearout, so waiting til Tuesday unless anything goes wrong. 
I need to find something to do to get my brain outta thinking mode clearly.


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bree, what an ordeal, all the physical ailments are bad enough, plus make it much harder to cope with the other things in your life. hope you can breathe deeply soon.



Thank you Blue.  I'm just really frustrated tonight with my epic failure at recovery.  



Once tucking is mastered at least for me it would take less than 30 seconds on average to tuck without any telltale signs of private parts showing. There were times when it took longer but not very often. I am going to write a blog entry on this topic this week.



Awesome thank you!  Because the medication we're both on makes not going to the bathroom completely an unrealistic option here.  Clearly there are skills that need to be mastered to have a more successful fun day!  :)

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