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My face is covered in makeup.

IT hasn't been like this...since um...the first year I was married maybe?   I stopped fighting with my skin and just didn't really care.  Nikki didn't care.  But now it's a thing again, because I noticed that people see what they expect to see, and two girls going out for a calzone (OMG I LOVE CALZONES! and they are SO hard to find in my area for some reason) blend better if they are dressed and made up similarly.  Like i reinforce the image of him.  I know when I went out with actual girls people would stare at our group a lot because I was visually out of place.  And while my female friends can deal, I don't want to put that strain on Nikki til he's more comfortable out.  And there is a level of fun letting him do me up (and more practice for him is good).

So today is girl day, as we agreed on.  A little sad to be locked in doors, it's GORGEOUS outside, but Nikki's needs come first, and spring is coming.  Right?  RIGHT????  OHIO???  The weather is perking me up, I only lost an hour and a half to silly news and wedding fails today.  :)  Soon Nikki will be putting up THE POOL!  *squirms in turtle excitement*  I wish it was Friday, Friday I will be eating a tasty calzone.  All I have calories left for dinner tonight is soup.  But I'll still come in a bit under my daily allotment, and as ever I didn't include the exercise I did, and I did put in a short walk. 

Which I probably would have enjoyed more if my dang throat would clear up.  Seriously, all the flu symptoms are gone except a persistant but really FAINTLY sore throat, and the roof of my mouth and throat are really white but not like strep, and my throat has this horrible dry itching that results in insane coughing.  I would go back to my doctor but all the ice cream I ate to numb my throat packed six pounds back on, and I don't want her to know that.  Trying to be good!  And lost that six pounds super fast to go in.  I know, it's dumb, but my dismorphia has been poked a lot and I need a small break. 

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I'm sorry, and brace well for what's coming! *Hugs*  Winter is not my favorite thing, but I confess I'm heavily biologically biased against it, cold triggers my asthma in all sorts of painful ways.  I like heat, my asthma goes dormant. 

I grew up a bit south of you, Jersey beach bum girl!  :)  I really really miss having access to the ocean, it's one of the things I never got over losing when I moved from Jersey to Ohio.  *sniffles*  Usually Nikki takes me to an ocean once a year, but my stupid surgery made it financially improbable this year.  OH well, next year is coming! 

All my life I wanted a pool, and the year Nikki and I finally got one was the best ever.  I remember every little detail about getting in the first time (and nearly dying on the not quite properly leveled ladder that we spend six hours the next day fixing) and swimming in my OWN pool in my OWN yard for the first time ever.  He was feeling the same way even though he admitted it wasn't one of his dreams forever like me.  LOL I think he was a little blown away by how giddy I am over my pool, even now when it's packed away waiting for it's third summer. 

I'm off to face work, have to go in early to cover a doctors appointment for my boss. 


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