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Monday morning started out terrifying.

So I get up, let my dog out, give her her morning dental treat, and sit down to read/answer some e-mail.  All of a sudden my dog is racing around the house like crazy, so I go out to see what is going on.  I'm not talking a little pacing, I"m talking full speed full charge ahead around the place, she never does this.  She goes behind the table where I can't see her, so I go around too, and she's on the floor on her side seizing, her little paws twitching and some foam on her mouth.  Having some experience in this with our cat, I wait until she starts to come out of it and get up and I got to her and she snaps at me.  She NEVER snaps at me.  Even when Nikki has her all riled up and chewing on him in play, I can reach my hand in without fear and she won't chew in the slightest, just licks me.  Then she's running away from me.

This is where it went from scary to really bad, she literally didn't know who I was and was terrified outta her mind, which took me along with her.  I tried to calmly approach with the lead so I could throw her in the van and take her to the vet, but she started growling at me.  The I mean business growl. So I backed up to the door, opened the inner door so I could get out if she charged me, she was acting so weird I didn't know what to expect, and called Nikki with the "Come home RIGHT NOW Alita is not okay" incoherence, hung up on him and called the vet to notify them we were incoming once Nikki got home to help me wrangle her. 

Just before Nikki pulled up, she started to recognize she slunk forward her in her most extreme I'm sorry posture but clearly no clue what was going on, so I started calming her down and petting her as best I could.  Nikki got home and did a quick house and yard check to see if she got something, and couldn't find any evidence of anything.  Other than realizing she both peed and pooped all over the house, something else she never does.  So we grabbed a wad of poop off the floor and took that too just in case. 

The vet checked her over thouroughly, and her phsyical exam by that point was perfect.  So it didn't do any severe damage at least.  They are going to look at the poop and took bloodwork.  At this point he agreed it didn't seem like she got into something, no smell on her breath, no secondary signs, and recovery was very fast for that, so they send us home with her to watch over here today and we have to wait and see.  Its uncommon but not rare that he's seen this happen to dogs who never had another episode again, so the best course now is to run the blood/poop tests and wait and see. 

But that was scary.  She's freaked out and clingy to us right now, poor thing.  She's curled up on her computer room pillow with her head on Nikki's foot like don't leave me daddy.  I"m so happy it didn't happen in the middle of the night at least.  My poor baby girl.  She's a 9 year old lab/beagle mix of sweetness.  She's got a very laid back attitude about most things, and loves just chilling out with us.  And chewing on things.  OH my gosh she loves to chew. 


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