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Hi all!

So my recovery seems to be going well. I had my follow-up with the surgeon and they removed the packing and tubes. That felt so much better! They showed me how to dilate - wasn't too bad.

Yesterday I came home - I've never been so happy to be home! Recovery is easier in my own place with my own stuff.

For 4 weeks I have to dilate 4x a day for 20 minutes each. I'm still working on my positioning, it gets a little uncomfortable and tedious, but I'll survive :-)

Otherwise for now it's a lot of TV and reading. Barring complications I should be able to go back to school and my internship the week of the 23rd.

At a more fundamental level - as swelling starts to recede it's easier to see what I have now, and it's pretty awesome 👯 

More later!





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Karen, good point.  My mother was a 3 year R.N., and she could not emphasize enough getting out of bed and taking short walks, as soon as possible with the doctor's OK, to avoid getting blood clots.

Chrissy, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your recovery.

Your friend,


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